Autodesk Vred 2014 SP4专业版 Autodesk Vred Pro 2014 SP4 XFORCE

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Autodesk Vred 2014 SP4专业版 Autodesk Vred Pro 2014 SP4 XFORCE-图片1

本软件是由Autodesk公司出品的Autodesk Vred 2014 SP4专业版,Autodesk Vred Pro 2014 SP2 XFORCE,大小:1.16 GB,语言:英语。

VRED专业版 -虚拟现实与虚拟样机的软件包。所有组件是否匹配?材料显示出预期的特性?是全功能模型? Autodesk VRED会完美地考虑并执行这些,允许快速和高效的工作流程在产品开发的不同阶段。


Autodesk Vred 2014 SP4专业版 Autodesk Vred Pro 2014 SP4 XFORCE-图片2

Autodesk Vred Pro 2014 SP4 XFORCE
VRED Professional – Software package for Virtual Reality and Virtual Prototyping
Do all components match? Does the material show the expected characteristics? Is the model fully functional? VRED Professional is the software for all those persons who perform at a degree of perfection. The software allows fast and efficient workflows in different phases of product development as well as in virtual prototyping.

Engineers and designers work in different, highly specialized subject areas. In order to meet all the different requirements to its best, VRED Professional is developed on a modular basis. Special modules can be added to the standard version or given configurations can be expanded afterwards when needed.

Autodesk Vred 2014 SP4专业版 Autodesk Vred Pro 2014 SP4 XFORCE-图片3

