专业三维模型软件V8.5版 DAZ3D Carrara Pro v8.5 Win Mac CORE

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专业三维模型软件V8.5版 DAZ3D Carrara Pro v8.5 Win Mac CORE-图片1

本软件是由daz3d机构出品的专业三维模型软件V8.5版,DAZ3D Carrara Pro v8.5 Win Mac CORE,大小:414 MB,包含Win与Mac需哦他,语言:英语。

专业三维模型及软件开发商DAZ 3D发布了Carrara 8。Carrara是一款广受欢迎的三维软件。新版向用户提供空前数量的工具带来三维创作的新维度。Carrara 8可以进行三维角色动画、建模、环境制作及渲染。借助强大、先进、易用性,Carrara 8已经成为了公认的功能全面的三维软件,适合各种媒介使用。

Carrara 8进行了广泛的增强,包括目标变形、装配和表面材质的转换,同时支持增强遥控控制(ERC)。可以允许用户同步控制多重转化位移。其他升级包括非线性动画、动力学毛发、笔刷建模,灯光散射也可以与新的海洋几何体配合生成逼真的海浪。


Carrara是一款很受欢迎的3D图像设计软件,专为在网页创作、印刷和视频制作领域工作的创意设计者提供一个完全、易于处理和高生产力的3D解决方案。这套高级3D软件的最新版本主要使用了革命性的仿真算图技术Eovia ImpressionT,且在制作能力、用户界面均有所改善,并提供了如Dynamic Extrusion丶Eovia Tree Maker等若干新的建模工具。


专业三维模型软件V8.5版 DAZ3D Carrara Pro v8.5 Win Mac CORE-图片2
专业三维模型软件V8.5版 DAZ3D Carrara Pro v8.5 Win Mac CORE-图片2

Carrara 8新功能

▷ 针对Mac和Windows系统的64位支持
▷ 多线程
▷ Bullet Physics Library
▷ 改善的FBX和COLLADA数据交换
▷ 植物和草木的改善
▷ 渲染时间优化
▷ 网络渲染优化
▷ Negative Lights和Photometrics
▷ God Rays和Barn Doors
▷ 法线贴图
▷ Puppeteer for Carrara

DAZ3D Carrara Pro v8.5 Win Mac CORE
Carrara 8.5 offers the latest in DAZ technology. Our software engineers have worked meticulously to ensure that the new features in Carrara 8.5 exceed the standard you’ve come to expect for Carrara. Carrara 8.5 provides seamless support for the Genesis and Genesis 2 figures you know and love. The new parameters tab grants intuitive access to morphs for your figures and allows you to filter by region, body part, and even keyword. Carrara 8.5 ships with AutoFit, and Morph Projection which allows you enormous versatility in clothing.

New and improved animation and keyframing tools including Key Frame Filters and a Graph Editor put the power in your hands. These new tools, as well as new intuitive keyboard shortcuts, connect the serious animator to the model in a symbiotic relationship. Smoothing, refining and perfecting animation sequences has never been easier.
New SubDivision and Smoothing tools allow the user to control render level and model level smoothing from within the assembly room. This cuts time out of your flow and saves you from needlessly switching between the modeling and assembly rooms just to update smoothing options.

Improvements to the viewport avatars for Lights and Cameras provide a new, aesthetically pleasing look to the interface. The Sunlight, Moonlight, Shape Light and Tube Lights have all received a make-over. This provides a greater visual reference as to how light will emanate from a source and react in the scene.
You can do it all with Carrara 8.5 Pro. Model, UV-map, paint, pose, animate, generate terrains, skies, or waters, use rigid or soft-body dynamics, import or export, and render. Do it all with 64-bit, multi-core, multi-threaded, MAC or WIN OS – all within a single application at an affordable price. Do it faster, better, and at less expense than anyone else.

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