视觉婚纱艺术影片制作视频教程 creativeLIVE Visual Storytelling The Art of Wedding Filmmaking

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视觉婚纱艺术影片制作视频教程 creativeLIVE Visual Storytelling The Art of Wedding Filmmaking-图片1

本视频教程是由creativeLIVE机构出品的婚纱视觉艺术影片制作视频教程,creativeLIVE Visual Storytelling The Art of Wedding Filmmaking ,时长:3天课时,大小:7.3 GB ,教程使用软件:Final Cut Pro X,作者:Alfio Stuto,语言:英语。

Final Cut Pro 是一款由苹果公司开发专业视频非线性编辑器。Final Cut Pro X 拥有 Final Cut Studio 中主要的音效剪辑和色彩分级功能,将剪辑、音频、色彩整合在一个App中,导入并组织媒体、编辑、添加效果、改善音效、颜色分级以及交付,包含进行后期制作所需的一切功能,仅凭此款软件,即可驾驭整个后期制作工作流程。

经过从底层开始的全面重新设计后,Final Cut Pro 为后期制作工作流程的方方面面增添了无与伦比的速度、质量和灵活性。它拥有超乎想象的全新 Timeline,以及动态的素材归整功能,让工作摆脱寻找剪辑素材的束缚,成就疾速的性能表现。

creativeLIVE Visual Storytelling The Art of Wedding Filmmaking
What’s the difference between a videographer and a true cinematographer? How can a single shooter successfully capture a complete wedding story? Join filmmaker Alfio Stuto for a three-day introduction to the wedding cinematographer’s mindset and toolbox.
Alfio will cover everything you need to know about video storytelling, post-production workflow, attracting clients, and growing a business. You’ll learn how to choose the equipment right for you, from lenses to lighting equipment, and beyond. Alfio will share the one-of-a-kind techniques he’s developed over a decade of success as a cinematographer, including how to capture a live event through moving, evocative imagery that will last forever.

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