2014巴西世界杯宣传海报PSD模板 GraphicRiver World Cup 2014 Flyer Template 5389282

平面素材 最新资源2014巴西世界杯宣传海报PSD模板 GraphicRiver World Cup 2014 Flyer Template 5389282已关闭评论1,311

2014巴西世界杯宣传海报PSD模板 GraphicRiver World Cup 2014 Flyer Template 5389282-图片1

本PS模板是由GraphicRiver机构出品的2014巴西世界杯宣传海报PSD模板,GraphicRiver World Cup 2014 Flyer Template 5389282,大小:26 MB,格式:PSD,分辨率:1275×1875,打印尺寸:4.25x6.25,300DPI,CMYK,包含2014巴西世界杯宣传海报PSD文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:Photoshop CS5或以上版本。

GraphicRiver World Cup 2014 Flyer Template 5389282
World Cup 2014 Flyer Template – this is a great design for your party at the football theme. Or to other parties.

You can modify everything very easy and quick. Changing the color style, pictures and the typo is no problem. It is well-assorted in folders and layers.
• Size: 1275×1875px (4.25×6.25”) Bleeds 0.25” • Fully editable + Full layered • Photoshop Version: CS5 or Higher • Resolution: 300dpi • CMYK Colors • 2 variants of the field • 19 flags of countries • 3 World Cup & Logo • WELL ORGANIZED • EASY TO ADD YOUR FLAG
