热浪夏日派对海报PSD模板 GraphicRiver End of Summer Party 2 Posters 5414829

平面素材 最新资源热浪夏日派对海报PSD模板 GraphicRiver End of Summer Party 2 Posters 5414829已关闭评论1,053

热浪夏日派对海报PSD模板 GraphicRiver End of Summer Party 2 Posters 5414829-图片1

本PS动作是由GraphicRiver机构出品的热浪夏日派对海报PSD模板,GraphicRiver End of Summer Party 2 Posters 5414829,大小:114 MB,格式:PSD,打印尺寸:8.5x11.9,300DPI,CMYK,包含2个热浪夏日派对海报PSD文件,为设计师提供精彩绝伦的灵感素材,使用软件:Photoshop CS5或以上版本。

GraphicRiver End of Summer Party 2 Posters 5414829
End of Summer Party 2 Posters
2 PSD files and text info file
8.5×11.9 inch, CMYK, 300dpi, bleed .25
well oganized layers
the flyers come with the images (you get everything you see in the preview)
