Photoshop技术指南杂志2013年9月刊 Practical Photoshop September 2013

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Photoshop技术指南杂志2013年9月刊 Practical Photoshop September 2013-图片1

本书籍是关于Photoshop技术指南杂志2013年9月刊,Practical Photoshop September 2013,大小:41 MB,共84页,格式:PDF高清,语言:英语 。


Practical Photoshop September 2013
Practical Photoshop is the magazine that makes sensational images simple.
Practical Photoshop’s easy-to-follow tutorials show you how to achieve brilliant creative results whether you’re repairing an old family picture, having fun combining images or applying artistic effects to a photo. Practical Photoshop offers creative advice and step-by-step tutorials for users of Adobe Photoshop and Elements. Learn the basics, master new techniques to become a better digital artist, or get advanced Photoshop techniques and create stunning designs from your photos.
