那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects

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那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects-图片1


那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects-图片2



那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects-图片3



那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects-图片4



那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects-图片5



那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects-图片6



那天我们结婚了AE模板 VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects-图片7

本AE模板是由VideoHive机构出品的那天我们结婚了AE模板,VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects,大小:380 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1920x1080,使用软件版本:After Effects CS4, CS5, CS6, CC。

VideoHive Wedding Day Gallery 4383705 Project for After Effects
2 Versions Included 33 and 61 Placeholders for your Photos and Texts.
After Effects CS4 and Above.
HDTV 1920×1080.
10 Scenes.
Up to 61 Photos.
63 Text Placeholders (1 for each photo plus Intro / Outro Text).
Duration: Ver 1: 2:03 / Ver 2: 3:19 .
Detailed Video Tutorial to help costumization Process.
No 3rd-party plug-ins required.
Estimated time rendering 20-25 minutes.

Video Tutorial
Video Tutorial Covers (23 min Duration):
- Project Structure.
- Replacing Intro / Outro Texts.
- Replacing Photos & Adjustments.
- Enabling and Changing Photo Titles.
- Changing Passpartout Colors (By default Light Salmon and White inside The Frame)
- Scenes Light Adjustment. (Lights placed and ready to be turned on used changed).
- Creating new Compositions with different order.
- Drag and drop your scenes in your own order to create a different look project.

