SketchBook 2014 基础入门视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to SketchBook Designer 2014

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SketchBook 2014 基础入门视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to SketchBook Designer 2014-图片1

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的SketchBook 2014 基础入门视频教程,Digital-Tutors Introduction to SketchBook Designer 2014,时长:3小时35分,大小:2.02 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:SketchBook Designer 2014, 作者:Eddie Russell,共25个章节,官方发布日期:2013年7月,语言:英语。

Alias SketchBook Pro 专业版 是一款新一代的自然画图软件,软件截面新颖动人,功能强大,仿手绘效果逼真,笔刷工具分为铅笔,毛笔,马克笔,制图笔,水彩笔,油画笔,喷枪等,自定义选择式界面方式,人性化功能设计,绝对是绘画设计爱好者的最佳选择。

这是一款漂亮的绘画工具,使用备受赞誉的Autodesk SketchBook Pro,自由发挥您的创造力。只需轻触笔尖,您就可以按自己的方式使用此款业界最强大的绘画和绘图工具集。此款灵活的高品质应用程序提供基于手势且友好的用户界面,此界面构建于Alias已获专利的 Marking Menu技术基础之上。

荣获美国电影艺术与科学学院奖项的Alias SketchBook Pro是一款身材小巧的高品质渲染应用工具,专门用于平板电脑和数字化平板,其特点在于其围绕Alias专门的Marking Menu 技术开发的友好的、基于手势的用户界面。用笔轻点你就能使用该软件的顶尖工具:快速反应铅笔;标记笔和喷枪;随笔移动的图层;背景模板;一个可容纳30笔画的撤消/重复功能;以及一个独特的全景/缩放工具。


Digital-Tutors Introduction to SketchBook Designer 2014
For many artists, there has always been a distinct difference between creating vector artwork and creating pixel-based artwork. SketchBook Designer recognizes that both styles can work seamlessly together to create some really amazing images.

In this tutorial, we will focus on getting you up to speed and working inside SketchBook Designer quickly. We will start off by learning about the interface and how we can begin to customize the SketchBook Designer canvas.
From here we will learn how SketchBook Designer implements a layer based workflow using both paint and vector layers. Next we will spend some time learning how to use and customize brushes for both paint and vectors before moving on and learning how to manipulate the vector curves we create.
Before wrapping up this tutorial, we will learn also learn about things like making pixel selections, transformations, masking, flood fills and symmetry drawing. After going through this training, you will have a firm grasp on this powerful drawing application.

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SketchBook 2014 基础入门视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to SketchBook Designer 2014-图片3



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