Toon Boom Harmony关键帧动画视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Key Frame Animation in Toon Boom Harmony

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Toon Boom Harmony关键帧动画视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Key Frame Animation in Toon Boom Harmony-图片1
本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Toon Boom Harmony关键帧动画视频教程,Digital-Tutors Introduction to Key Frame Animation in Toon Boom Harmony,时长:1小时16分,大小:438 MB,FLV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Toon Boom Harmony, 作者:Kurt Jones,共9个章节,语言:英语。

Toon Boom Animate 是一个独特的基于矢量的动画协同设计(交互式设计)动画制作软件,包括内容制作,合成,并通过媒体交付给观众整个流程,是动画师,数字工作室,学生和教育工作者设计的理想的完全数字动画软件。


Digital-Tutors Introduction to Key Frame Animation in Toon Boom Harmony
We’ll begin this Toon Boom tutorial by discussing what a key frame is and how we can set one in the timeline view in Toon Boom Harmony.
From there we’ll learn about implementing other tools and features to animate cut-out styled animations using key frames such as the data view, pivots, pegs, symbols, and inverse kinematics.

By gaining a good understanding about key frames in Toon Boom Harmony, you’ll be able to tackle your own cut-out styled animation projects with ease while having a lot of fun.
While the project files that accompany this course can only be opened with Toon Boom Harmony, you can easily follow along if you are using Toon Boom Animate or Animate Pro. All of the features and topics that we’ll cover are applicable to both applications.

Toon Boom Harmony关键帧动画视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Key Frame Animation in Toon Boom Harmony-图片2



Toon Boom Harmony关键帧动画视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Key Frame Animation in Toon Boom Harmony-图片3



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