本AE模板是由VideoHive机构出品的游戏时间AE模板,VideoHive Time of Your Game 185049 Project for After Effects,大小:39 MB,格式:AEP,分辨率:1280x720,使用软件版本:After Effects CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC。
VideoHive Time of Your Game 185049 Project for After Effects
You in search of a cinematic titles? Then let me present to you a my new project – “Time of Your Game”. This project is incredibly easy in adjustment, just add your video and change the text, add music for desired atmosphere and your cinematic titles ready. In this project, you can add an unlimited number placeholders. Included video-manual, that even the beginner will easy understand how to tune a this project. To work with the project needed a one awesome plug-in of Optical Flares. Enjoy!
1. Incredibly easy in adjustment.
2. Possibility of unlimited number of placeholders.
3. Video operation manual.
4. Two versions of the resolution.