CorelPainter卡通光影绘画视频教程 CartoonPaint Lighting the Cartoon Creatures

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CorelPainter卡通光影绘画视频教程 CartoonPaint Lighting the Cartoon Creatures-图片1

本视频教程是由CartoonPaint机构出品的CorelPainter卡通光影绘画视频教程,CartoonPaint Lighting the Cartoon Creatures,时长:2小时,大小:427 MB,教程使用软件:Corel Painter , Adobe Photoshop,语言:英语。

Corel Painter是目前世界上最为完善的电脑美术绘画软件, 它以其特有的"Natural Media"仿天然绘画技术为代表, 在电脑上首次将传统的绘画方法和电脑设计完整的结合起来, 形成了其独特的绘画和造型效果。

除了作为世界上首屈一指的自然绘画软件外, Corel Painter在影像编辑、特技制作和二维动画方面, 也有突出的表现, 对于专业设计师, 出版社美编, 摄影师, 动画及多媒体制作人员和一般电脑美术爱好者, Painter都是一个非常理想的图像编辑和绘画工具。

由 Corel 公司所出品的专业绘图软件 - Painter,在绘图的领域里有着相当大的知名度,它能够带给使用者全新的数字化绘图体验,更接近手工素描、绘画的表现,与 Adobe Photoshop 兼容,是您不可或缺的绘图工具,也是您增进数字绘图技术的选择,拥有它,等于拥有了崭新的创造力!

CartoonPaint Lighting the Cartoon Creatures
In this training series Chad walks you step by step in how he applies light values and dark values to shade and light his characters.
The Right Color – Using the right colors while creating your highlights and your shadows allows his characters to pop off the page.
Bouncing the Light – Chad also demonstrate how he uses the light values and bounces the light off some of the shadow areas making it appear more realistic and dynamic.
The best part is when you learn this you can apply it to all of your work to give it more dimension and life!

CorelPainter卡通光影绘画视频教程 CartoonPaint Lighting the Cartoon Creatures-图片2



CorelPainter卡通光影绘画视频教程 CartoonPaint Lighting the Cartoon Creatures-图片3



CorelPainter卡通光影绘画视频教程 CartoonPaint Lighting the Cartoon Creatures-图片4
