2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2013年5月刊总第89期 2DArtist Issue 89 May 2013

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2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2013年5月刊总第89期 2DArtist Issue 89 May 2013-图片1

本书籍是关于2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2013年5月刊总第89期,2DArtist Issue 89 May 2013,大小:105 MB,格式:PDF高清,共88页,语言:英语。


2DArtist Issue 89 May 2013
Hello and welcome to the May issue of 2DArtist! We hope you all had a great April. We definitely enjoyed it here in the UK, with national holidays left right and center, giving us a nice selection of days off to enjoy the long overdue sunny weather, and lap up some inspiration. It may be tempting to get outside and enjoy some sunshine, but if you would rather stay inside and get some painting done, 2DArtist is full to the brim with outstanding content and jaw-dropping tutorials to provide all the inspiration you need!

In our vibrant tutorial section this month we continue to bring you visually stunning work from some of the most exciting names in the digital world. Vinod Rams shares tips and techniques to successfully create original creature designs.

In this penultimate installment of our New Worlds tutorial series, Gerhard Mozsi examines the industrial core of the society in the world he has created, as well as demonstrating the process behind using light and color to create atmosphere.

We also continue our Costume Design and Off World Vehicles series, which see Richard Tilbury design a defined costume for a religious leader, and Mike Hill create a concept for a fire-fighting truck by exploring the use of a 3D block-in to define the forms. It’s the very last chapter of our Off World Vehicles series, so make sure you don’t miss out!

Illustrator and digital painter Khasis Lieb draws inspiration from the absinthe drinkers of France and takes us through some of the finer processes in painting his psychedelic portrait. This broad overview is full of useful tips on everything from the concept through to lighting.

If all that wasn’t enough we also have an interview with awesomely talented concept artist Blaz Porenta, a whimsical sketchbook by John Thacker and our fantastic gallery, which features ten outstanding digital images from some very talented artists such as Markus Lovadina, Bruno Hamzagic and Bastien Grivet. Enjoy!

2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2013年5月刊总第89期 2DArtist Issue 89 May 2013-图片2



2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2013年5月刊总第89期 2DArtist Issue 89 May 2013-图片3



2DArtist概念艺术设计杂志2013年5月刊总第89期 2DArtist Issue 89 May 2013-图片4



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