DreamweaverCS6基础训练视频教程 Infiniteskills Learning Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Training Video

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DreamweaverCS6基础训练视频教程 Infiniteskills Learning Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Training Video

本教程是由Linda机构出品的DreamweaverCS6基础训练视频教程,Infiniteskills Learning Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Training Video,时长:11小时,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Dreamweaver CS6,作者:Andy Anderson,官方发布时间:2012年8月18日,语言:英语。

Dreamweaver cs6 是世界顶级软件厂商adobe推出的一套拥有可视化编辑界面,用于制作并编辑网站和移动应用程序的网页设计软件。由于它支持代码、拆分、设计、实时视图等多种方式来创作、编写和修改网页,对于初级人员,你可以无需编写任何代码就能快速创建web页面。其成熟的代码编辑工具更适用于web开发高级人员的创作!cs6新版本使用了自适应网格版面创建页面,在发布前使用多屏幕预览审阅设计,可大大提高工作效率。改善的 ftp 性能,更高效地传输大型文件。“实时视图”和“多屏幕预览”面板可呈现 html5 代码,更能够检查自己的工作。

使用 Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6 软件中的自适应网格版面创建行业标准的 HTML5 和 CSS3 编码。jQuery 移动和 Adobe PhoneGap™ 框架的扩展支持可协助您为各种屏幕、手机和平板电脑建立项目。将 HTML5 视频和 CSS3 转换融入页面。

Infiniteskills Learning Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Training Video
In this training course for Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, expert author Andy Anderson introduces you this top notch web editing software from Adobe. Whether you are new to Dreamweaver, or have used it before, Andy will show you how to get the most out of Dreamweaver to create amazing web pages!

Starting with the basics, Andy shows you step-by-step how to use Dreamweaver. You begin with a tour of Dreamweaver and its interface, and how to setup the software to make web design easier. Once you have that down, this tutorial will show you how to add text, create links, add pictures, style your content and layout, add tables and work with forms. You will learn about working with behaviours, how to use Spry, templates, libraries and snippets, how to edit in code view, and how to add and work with multimedia.

By the completion of this computer based training video for Dreamweaver CS6, you will be familiar with the tools and techniques at your fingertips, to create incredible websites. Working files are included with this training video, to allow you to learn alongside the author with the same files that he is using to teach with!

