Toon Boom Harmony行走动作视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Walk Cycles in Toon Boom Harmony

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Toon Boom Harmony行走动作视频教程 Digital-Tutors Introduction to Walk Cycles in Toon Boom Harmony

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的Toon Boom Harmony行走动作视频教程,Digital-Tutors Introduction to Walk Cycles in Toon Boom Harmony,时长:1小时18分,大小:1.01 GB,FLV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Toon Boom Harmony 10.0.1,作者:Kurt Jones,共10个章节,语言:英语。

Toon Boom Animate 是一个独特的基于矢量的动画协同设计(交互式设计)动画制作软件,包括内容制作,合成,并通过媒体交付给观众整个流程,是动画师,数字工作室,学生和教育工作者设计的理想的完全数字动画软件。


Digital-Tutors Introduction to Walk Cycles in Toon Boom Harmony
By utilizing the methods and approaches in this tutorial, you’ll be able to get started with your own walk cycles in Toon Boom Harmony with confidence while also having a lot of fun.
We’ll begin by blocking out the contact, down, passing, and up positions of our cartoon duck. Following this we’ll learn how we can copy and paste the key frames of these poses to create a loop for our character’s walk cycle. From here we’ll focus on animating the feet and arms independently from our poses and explore how this will allow us more control on the animation of both. To round out our walk cycle we’ll learn how we can add some ease to different body parts using the bezier editor. We’ll finish by showing how we can move our walk cycle along a path by using a peg.
While we’ll be using Toon Boom Harmony for this demonstration, everything that we’ll be covering will be applicable to both Animate and Animate Pro with the exception of the deformation tools.
