Blender游戏武器M4步枪建模视频教程 CG Cookie Weapon Modeling an M4 Rifle in Blender

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Blender游戏武器M4步枪建模视频教程 CG Cookie Weapon Modeling an M4 Rifle in Blender

本视频教程是由CGCookie机构出品的Blender游戏武器M4步枪建模视频教程,CG Cookie Weapon Modeling an M4 Rifle in Blender,大小:4.85 GB,MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Blender,语言:英语


CG Cookie Weapon Modeling an M4 Rifle in Blender
Welcome Citizens to this series on Modeling a M4 Assault Rifle
In this Blender 2.5 training course, we take you through the complete process of modeling a hard-surface, highly detailed M4 assault rifle. You will learn how to model each and every part, in real time.
