次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop

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次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片1

本教程是由Eat3D机构出品的PS次世代纹理贴图视频教程,Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop,时长:5小时,大小:1.6 GB,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Unreal Editor 3, Photoshop, 3dsmax 2009,作者:Riki Babington,语言:英语。

Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques
In this demonstration the instructor starts off by explaining the very fundamentals of using Photoshop for texturing. From there he goes into depth on how to set up your high res and low res meshes for rendering Normal, AO, and other Maps.
Once the scene and basics have been defined it's on to the entire texturing process of the self contained scene. Everything from the Diffuse, to Spec, Normal, and even a little Emissive and Alpha Maps. The Main textures created are a Concrete Texture set, Wood, Cloth, Grass, Ground, and Metal. This video has almost 5 hours of teaching and demonstration that will serve as the ultimate texturing resource.

次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2次世代游戏纹理贴图视频教程 Eat 3D Next-Gen Texturing Techniques Photoshop-图片2
