本软件是由索尼出品的专业影视非编软件V12.563版,Sony Vegas Pro Suite 12.0 Build 563 Win64,大小:232 MB,格式:exe crack,win64位版本,语言:英语。人人素材整理发布。
Sony Vegas是一个专业影像编辑软件。超越 Premiere,挑战 After Effects。Sony Vegas集剪辑、特效、合成、Streaming一气呵成,结合高效率的操作介面与多功能的优异特性,让用户更简易地创造丰富的影像。将成为PC上最佳的入门级视频编辑软件。Vegas 为一整合影像编辑与声音编辑的软件,其中无限制的视轨与音轨,更是其他影音软件所没有的特性。在效益上更提供了视讯合成、进阶编码、转场特效、修剪、及动画控制等。不论是专业人士或是个人用户,都可因其简易的操作介面而轻松上手。此套视讯应用软件可说是数位影像、串流视讯、多媒体简报、广播等用户解决数位编辑之方案。
Sony Vegas Pro Suite 12.0 Build 563 Win64
Vegas™ Pro 12 is an integrated, forward-thinking production environment designed for a new generation of creative professionals. Combining a familiar track-based timeline with hundreds of thoughtful workflow innovations, Vegas Pro 12 is a refreshing, modern approach to post-production. Supporting more formats, more workflows, and more creative control than ever before, Vegas Pro 12 makes it easy to deliver your message and express your artistic vision.