《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks

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《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片1

本教程是由rippletraining机构出品的达芬奇创意调色视频教程,Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks,时长:1小时30分,大小:701 MB,格式:MOV高清视频,教程使用软件:DaVinci Resolve 9,作者:Alexis Van Hurkman,共10个章节,语言:英语。人人素材网整理发布。

在审片室里,客户们经常你一言我一语提出各种苛刻要求,而且有时他们的意见甚至还不统一。在这样的情况下,调色师们都知道,只有DaVinci有足够的质量、实时性能、丰富的创作工具和强大的调色台才能保证高效的工作!现在就下载免费的DaVinci Resolve Lite,如果需要更强性能,升级即可!

DaVinci采用节点式图像处理。每个节点可以是一个独立的色彩校正,也可以是一个Power Window或者特效。节点类似于层,但是它的功能更为强大,因为您可以灵活更改节点的连接方式。串行连接或并行连接节点就可以把校色、特效、混合、高斯模糊、键、自定义曲线以任意顺序结合起来,从而制作出需要的画面风格。您也可以按照任何顺序重新连接节点,做出不同风格的画面效果。

DaVinci Resolve是世界最先进的调色系统。不论在哪里,更多电影和电视节目的校色都是在DaVinci系统上完成的。DaVinci Resolve是让高端影片如此令人屏气凝神的不同所在!它是与好莱坞电影公司合作开发的结晶,虽然是为高端电影制作而特别设计,但同样是电视剧、广告、独立电影、音乐电视等制作的理想选择!

利用计算机组建的解决方案通常会受限于一颗GPU或一台计算机的性能。DaVinci Resolve突破了这一局限,因为它让您可以添加更多GPU,甚至计算机集群!这就是说,DaVinci Resolve拥有的超级计算机性让您面对客户纷纷提出各种要求时,仍然可以实时操作。执行许多一级调色、二级调色、Power Windows、多点跟踪、模糊或更多其他操作后,只要点击Play就可实时播放!
兼容更多摄影机格式随着越来越多的数字摄影机的出现,DaVinci Resolve提供了更多的原生摄影机文件支持,让您可以直接在摄影机原生文件上调色,从而得到最好的结果。您可以直接调ARRI AlexaTM v3的RAW .ari文件、支持RED color3和REDgamma3以及高质量De-bayer的RED ONETM R3D文件,以及5K和HDRx图像合成的RED EPIC R3D文件。还支持Phantom、GoPro、Canon C300和5D、Sony等摄影机!

《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片2

Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks
In this 90 minute tutorial, Alexis Van Hurkman walks you through a wide variety of techniques he uses as a professional colorist to create stylized visual treatments. Designed for students with a basic understanding of DaVinci Resolve, this tutorial eschews a paint-by-numbers approach, instead providing an informal exploration of how to customize the types of looks frequently asked for by clients to create grades that are unique to the project at hand. The emphasis here is on the colorist's creative process, rather then detailed technical instruction.

In the process, you'll learn how to apply different color washes to specific regions of image tonality, how to create variations on undertone and bleach bypass looks, how to emulate and customize cross-processing effects, how to preserve skin tones within extreme stylizations, how to enhance your look with subtle glow and bloom effects, different methods of constructing monochrome looks suited to specific color channel combinations, and more!

Introduction to Looks
Creating Color Washes
Building Reusable Looks
Creating Undertone Looks
Creating Power Window Looks
Creating Bleach Bypass Looks
Creating Cross - Processing Looks
Preserving Skin Tones
Creating Glow Looks
Creating Black & White Looks

Alexis Van Hurkman divides his time working as a colorist, writer, and director. Based in Saint Paul, his popular "Color Correction Handbook" has been acknowledged as an industry reference in the field of color grading. He’s graded a variety of programs that have aired on The History Channel, The Learning Channel, and BBC Four, features and shorts that have played at the Telluride and Sundance film festivals, and video art pieces that have been exhibited at the NYC Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum of American Art, and San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts. When not grading (or writing about grading), he writes and directs works of fiction; his first feature, “Four Weeks, Four Hours,” has screened at festivals around the world.

《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3《达芬奇创意调色视频教程》Ripple Training DaVinci Resolve Creative Looks-图片3



