《夜空夜景黄昏星空高清实拍视频素材合辑》Artbeats Nightsky HD

视频素材 最新资源《夜空夜景黄昏星空高清实拍视频素材合辑》Artbeats Nightsky HD已关闭评论1,431

《夜空夜景黄昏星空高清实拍视频素材合辑》Artbeats Nightsky HD-图片1

视频素材是由Artbeats机构出品的夜空夜景黄昏星空高清实拍视频素材合辑,Artbeats Nightsky HD,大小:30.79 GB,格式:MOV高清视频,分辨率:1920x1080,帧频:29.97 fps,共12个高清视频,包含各个类型的夜空与黄昏程视频素材。人人素材网整理发布。

Artbeats Nightsky HD
It’s incredibly difficult to film dusk-to-dawn timelapse, especially in the cold Northern latitudes. Add a horizon full of aurora borealis and you have truly rare and spectacular footage. That’s what we bring to you in Nightsky, the best celestial timelapse we’ve ever seen. The Earth’s rotation is dramatically visible as the camera is either locked to the horizon, or is rotating with the stars. Afternoon through dusk-to-night, night shots, and night-through-dawn clips can be linked for seamless afternoon-to-morning series. HD collection features a selection of 22 clips.

《夜空夜景黄昏星空高清实拍视频素材合辑》Artbeats Nightsky HD-图片2



