《抽象虚拟高清动态背景视频素材合辑》Artbeats Code Rage HD

视频素材 最新资源《抽象虚拟高清动态背景视频素材合辑》Artbeats Code Rage HD已关闭评论1,161

《抽象虚拟高清动态背景视频素材合辑》Artbeats Code Rage HD-图片1

视频素材是由Artbeats机构出品的抽象虚拟高清动态背景视频素材合辑,Artbeats Code Rage HD,大小:4.92 GB,格式:MOV高清视频,分辨率:1920x1080,帧频:29.97 fps,共15个高清视频,包含各个类型的抽象虚拟视频素材。人人素材网整理发布。

Artbeats Code Rage HD
These hip, edgy digital backgrounds scream grunge! In-your-face, hectic, vibrant, wild and crazy images splattered with code, scribbles, and doodles will fill the bill when it comes to that grungy look you're after. And the collection wouldn't be complete without a few thought provoking images that Generation X will relate to! HD collection features a selection of 30 royalty-free stock footage clips.

《抽象虚拟高清动态背景视频素材合辑》Artbeats Code Rage HD-图片2《抽象虚拟高清动态背景视频素材合辑》Artbeats Code Rage HD-图片2



