《Revit建筑结构设计视频教程》video2brain Autodesk Revit 2013 Component Families

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《Revit建筑结构设计视频教程》video2brain Autodesk Revit 2013 Component Families

视频教程是由video2brain机构出品的Revit建筑结构设计视频教程,video2brain Autodesk Revit 2013 Component Families,时长:3小时45分,大小:0.97 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Autodesk Revit Architecture,作者:Robert Prominzer,官方发布日期:2013年2月19日,语言:德语。人人素材网整理发布。

Autodesk Revit Architecture软件专为建筑信息模型而构建(BIM)。BIM是以从设计、施工到运营的协调、可靠的项目信息为基础而构建的集成流程。通过采用BIM,建筑公司可以在整个流程中使用一致的信息来设计和绘制创新项目,并且还可以通过精确实现建筑外观的可视化来支持更好的沟通,模拟真实性能以便让项目各方了解成本、工期与环境影响。

借助Revit Architecture,您可以不受软件束缚,自由设计建筑。在您想要的任何视图中工作,在各个设计阶段都可以修改设计,快速、轻松地对主要的设计元素做出变更。您甚至可以在设计的晚期做出变更,而无需担忧如何协调您的平面图、明细表和施工图纸。 Revit® Architecture软件专为建筑信息模型(BIM)而开发,可以帮助您惬意地工作,自由地设计,高效地完成作品。


video2brain Autodesk Revit 2013 Component Families
Reusable, parametric components create and use
Using own component families can greatly streamline your designs. Learn in this video training from experienced CAD instructor Robert Prominzer to a continuous example of how to create your own component families, parameterize and use.

This video training is aimed at those who do not want Revit "only" apply, but create your own blocks for Revit themselves and want to parameterize.
The experienced CAD trainer Robert Prominzer explains the principle and concept of component families. He designed with you a complete component family, including his own label.
Based on an example of a side table and a chest of drawers, you will learn the structure of the model, the parameters, the type of preparation and control the visibility of the project, know the structure of a part family. After the component has been created, you will also remember how you generate a label family for this object and other objects in order to inscribe it in the project can also be sorted by category. Here general but also their own parameters in both component and material list as well as labels are read.

You too can use efficiently the opportunities provided to you by the Revit component families!



