《闪电风暴实拍高清视频素材合辑》Artbeats Lightning Storms HD

视频素材 最新资源《闪电风暴实拍高清视频素材合辑》Artbeats Lightning Storms HD已关闭评论1,477

《闪电风暴实拍高清视频素材合辑》Artbeats Lightning Storms HD-图片1

本视频是由Artbeats机构出品的闪电风暴实拍高清视频素材合辑,Artbeats Lightning Storms HD,大小:3.54 GB,格式:MOV高清视频,分辨率:1280x720,帧频:23.976 fps,共28个高清视频。人人素材网整理发布。

Artbeats Lightning Storms HD
It was a dark and stormy night...and we got it on camera! We've captured lightning every which way - from the underbelly of dark clouds to dramatic vistas flashing with wicked light. Heat lightning, cloud-to-cloud lightning, and lightning over the mesa and prairie will have you heading for cover. Watch in amazement as this natural phenomenon lights up the sky in a variety of spectacular displays. HD collection features a selection of 28 clips.

《闪电风暴实拍高清视频素材合辑》Artbeats Lightning Storms HD-图片2



