《商务世界科技数字背景视频素材》Artbeats Digital Biz HD

视频素材 最新资源《商务世界科技数字背景视频素材》Artbeats Digital Biz HD已关闭评论1,121

《商务世界科技数字背景视频素材》Artbeats Digital Biz HD-图片1

视频素材合辑是由Artbeats机构出品的商务世界科技数字背景视频素材,Artbeats Digital Biz HD,大小:1.13 GB,格式:MOV高清视频,共9个形态各异的高清视频素材。人人素材网整理发布。

Artbeats Digital Biz HD
Need cyber-tech backgrounds relevant to the business world? These seamlessly looping clips offer concrete images representing time, target areas across the world, and the flow of digital information. Charts, bars and graphs round out the selection. Collection features a selection of 9 royalty-free stock footage clips

《商务世界科技数字背景视频素材》Artbeats Digital Biz HD-图片2



