本视频素材是由rampantdesigntools机构出品的模拟电影噪点胶片颗粒滑像视频素材合辑,Rampant Design Tools Film Dirt & Scratches+FilmFX,大小:4.71 GB,格式:MOV高清视频,分辨率:1920x1080,帧频:29.97 fps ,共114个类型各异的视频素材,人人素材网整理发布。
Rampant Design Tools Film Dirt & Scratches+FilmFX
This bundle combines Rampant Film Dirt & Scratches with Rampant FilmFX for a jam packed bundle of 130 1080P (1920x1080) royalty-free Quicktime Movies of simulated light leaks, flashes, lighting effects, digital film grain, noise, dirt, scratches and more. Great for editors, compositors, and motion graphics artists.
All files are QuickTime Files Can be used in any editing/compositing software including:
• Adobe After Effects
• Adobe Premiere
• Final Cut Pro 7
• Sony Vegas
• Apple Motion
• Nuke
• Media 100