《电影与游戏三维汽车建模设计内幕书籍》3D Automotive Modeling An Insider’s Guide to 3D Car Modeling and Design for Games and Film

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《电影与游戏三维汽车建模设计内幕书籍》3D Automotive Modeling An Insider’s Guide to 3D Car Modeling and Design for Games and Film

本书籍是关于电影与游戏三维汽车建模设计内幕书籍,3D Automotive Modeling An Insider’s Guide to 3D Car Modeling and Design for Games and Film,大小:42 MB,格式:PDF高清,共472页,语言:英语。人人素材整理发布。

3D Automotive Modeling An Insider’s Guide to 3D Car Modeling and Design for Games and Film
Master techniques from top automotive designers and world-class game developers with this insider’s guide to designing and modeling 3D vehicles. With techniques demonstrated in 3ds Max, Maya, XSI, and Photoshop, 3D Automotive Modeling starts with a fantastic series of hot concept designs and continues by offering a full hands-on modeling tutorial for each. Some of the very best designers and modelers from across the globe take you through their processes step-by-step, giving you the tips, tricks, and short-cuts that true professionals use.
3D Automotive Modeling features tutorials from Honda, Toyota, and Mercedes-Benz designers, as well as modelers from Sony Computer Entertainment, Lucas Arts, and Simbin-artists who have worked on some of the biggest games in the industry, including the MotorStorm series.



