本视频教程是由video2brain机构出品的Photoshop CS6拍摄与制作产品动态影像视频教程,video2brain Photoshop Special Moving pictures German,时长:1小时,大小:778.58 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Eberhard Schuy,官方发布日期:2012年11月16日,语言:德语。人人CG整理发布。
video2brain Photoshop Special Moving pictures German
So come in motion pictures
Do you know the effect, if you will not believe your eyes? When suddenly move in a photographed, frozen situation seems a little? The second, very close look you will discover that is actually moving in photography something. This particular photographic technique is easy to implement using Photoshop CS6 version. Use. Their modern camera with video function and look forward to another dimension for well-designed product photographs that will surely excite your imagination to many new images