《ZBrush 4R5完美破解版》Pixologic ZBrush 4R5 Win Mac

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《ZBrush 4R5完美破解版》Pixologic ZBrush 4R5 Win Mac-图片1

本软件是由pixologic公司出品的ZBrush 4R5完美破解版,Pixologic ZBrush 4R5 Win Mac,大小:1.48 GB,格式:exe crack,包含win与mac两个破解版本。人人素材整理发布。

ZBrush 是一个数字雕刻和绘画软件,它以强大的功能和直观的工作流程彻底改变了整个三维行业。在一个简洁的界面中,ZBrush 为当代数字艺术家提供了世界上最先进的工具。以实用的思路开发出的功能组合,在激发艺术家创作力的同时,ZBrush 产生了一种用户感受,在操作时会感到非常的顺畅。ZBrush 能够雕刻高达 10 亿多边形的模型,所以说限制只取决于的艺术家自身的想象力。


2、贴图功能新增了 spotlight 和 lightbox;
lightbox当然在zbrush3.5r3当中就已经有了,但是在zbrush4.0他被增强了。官方介绍说zbrush 的lightbox功能可以让您足不出户,搜索整个世界网络的lightbox 资源。
而spotlight功能包括纹理、雕刻、图像编辑,最值得一提的是spotlight功能还拥有强大的 先进的背景去除功能 图像编辑工具功能 油漆和纹理功能 交互式花砖功能 聚画功能(就是将一张处理好的预置贴图喷在模型贴图上的功能)无缝配色功能 运用纹理功能(是将贴图的纹理在绘制过程中应用到模型的一个功能)与纹理适配的对称方式使用这些功能探索您的创造力!
3、建模功能上新增了 shadow box(大概是阴影盒子的意思按照灰度蒙版进行模型造型) match maker(大概意思是媒介造型师 按照一个媒介外形打造当前模型的外形) clip brushes(剪辑笔刷对模型进行修剪)

《ZBrush 4R5完美破解版》Pixologic ZBrush 4R5 Win Mac-图片2

Pixologic ZBrush 4R5 Win/Mac
ZBrush 4R5 continues to expand on creative freedom with new features for sculpting, rendering and overall quality of life. These new features were designed to let you be an artist first and foremost, giving you more freedom to explore new ideas!

Major Features:
Polish by Features – A new set of Polish sliders has been added in the Tool >> Deformation sub-palette to improve your surface and make them cleaner, especially for hard surface models and product design objects. It includes Polish by Features, but also Polish by PolyGroups and Polish by Crisp Edges. DynaMesh functionality has been greatly enhanced and can now retain more of your shape in a lower polygon count than ever before, thanks to the new Polish by Features volume preservation characteristic.
Curves by Features – Creates curves based on the model’s PolyGroups, creased edges or its outline. These curves can then be used with any of the curve-based sculpting brushes.
Panel Loops – Based on PolyGroups, this feature will transform the selected model into individual panels with thickness. Or it can extrude those panels from the surface with clean borders and bevels, perfect for hard-edge sculpting.
Delete Loops – Allows you to remove unnecessary edge loops. At higher settings it can also drastically change the shape of your model.
Align Loops – An alternative to the Delete Loops feature, this produces the same visual effect but doesn’t change the model’s topology.
Dynamic Brush Size – Makes it possible for the brush size to dynamically change as the model moves closer or further away from the camera. This becomes extremely helpful when sculpting items such as bolts, alpha pattern, scales, and etc. No matter the distance the model is from the camera the bolt, alpha pattern and scales will remain the same size due to the brush dynamically changing.
PolyGroup Enhancements – Several functions have been added relating to ZBrush’s PolyGroup options. You can now group by normals, merge stray groups (useful when groups have been auto-assigned), crease or uncrease by PolyGroup and also a Smart Polish By Feature function to improve your mesh shape without losing volume.
Posterize – Posterization takes a smooth gradient and converts it to fewer steps with abrupt changes between them; a staircase kind of effect. With additions made to the profile curves, Material Mixer, BPR Filters and a new 3D Posterize feature, you can now easily create a cell shaded render.
See-Through Mode – Makes the entire interface transparent so that you can see open windows behind ZBrush. As an example, you can use your browser to find a reference image and sculpt against it without even needing to import it into ZBrush!
Auto Save – ZBrush will now periodically and automatically save your work in a temporary project file. It will also auto-save when ZBrush is idle, such as if you’re away from your computer or switch to another application without first closing ZBrush.



