《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation

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《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation-图片1

本视频教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程,cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation,时长:4小时25分,大小:1.26 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Massive Prime 4,作者:Domingos Silva,Eric Whitehead,官方发布日期:2012年11月9日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

Massive是著名的大型群组动画软件。该软件在《魔戒——双塔》和《魔戒——国王归来》中创造了惊人的视觉效果,并荣获2003年奥斯卡科学与工程奖。群集动画软件Massive曾用于多部电影大片的制作,当然还有一些商业广告,比如Mill制作的经典NIKE广告。Massive Software使能3D动画的世代在实时与巨型的人为智力被驾驶的系统居住。充分身体动画, 或面部和充分身体动画他们也许同时导致和正在进行中相似与动画相处融洽当演奏他们喜爱的计算机游戏。


cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation
cmiVFX has released a QuickStart to Massive Prime Crowd Simulations. Massive is a proven production tool to simulate lifelike actions of crowds. Likely when you have seen a stadium full of cheering fans, it was Massive Prime that animated all those thousands of people. The daunting task of learning is simplified by Domingos Silva. Domingos will walk the viewer through the entire process of completing a crowd simulation. Until now, making MotionBuilder and Massive play nice was tough. Domingos will show the viewer the solution to this difficult pipeline. After the simulation is complete, Domingos continues by taking the mesh and simulation back into Maya and 3DSMax for final render. This lesson covers the process of crowd simulation from concept to render.

《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation-图片2 《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation-图片2《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation-图片2 《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation-图片2《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation-图片2 《Massive人群仿真模拟视频教程》cmiVFX Massive Prime Crowd Simulation-图片2



