《曲面设计建模软件4.11》ICEM Surf 4.11

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《曲面设计建模软件4.11》ICEM Surf 4.11-图片1

ICEM Surf 4.11 | 389.7 mb

ICEM Surf (曲面魔术师)是全球知名应用到曲面设计的公司首选建模工具。著名的汽车公司:福特汽车公司,奥迪汽车公司,欧宝,雪铁龙,标致汽车,莲花汽车,Karmann GmbH,兰博基尼,EDAG工程与设计集团等都是ICEM Surf的客户,还有各行业的许多曲面设计建模公司也是ICEM Surf的客户。

ICEM Surf所提供的尖端技术,确保用户在当今竞争激烈的全球市场上,能生产出一流的产品。被公认为建立和修改A级曲面首选系统的 ICEM Surf,能满足从美学设计人员到生产工程师等所有人的需求。 
  ICEM Surf的柔性产生了当今设计环境所需的高质量曲面,并大大缩短了整体设计时间。产品开发小组使用ICEM Surf,把传统工艺过程远远抛在身后。 ICEM Surf集成解决方案,能让用户实施一种被称为虚拟建模技术的全新、高效产品开发方法。设计人员和工程师可以在屏幕上,动态进行设计工作,并可立即看到他们构想的美学形像和工程效果。

Dassault Systemes announce latest release ICEM Surf 4.11, of our industry-leading Explicit Class A surface modelling, analysis and visualisation software.

ICEM Surf 4.11 offers a range of new features and enhancements, many of which have been developed in response to customer requests. This customer-centric approach ensures ICEM Surf delivers a Class A surfacing environment suitable for your real-world design requirements. Designed to further improve your productivity, new Curve and Surface modelling, analysis, Real Time Rendering and data management capabilities are offered, in particular, more functionality for creating design features like gaps and fillets, and further improvements to the quality and production of the photo-realistic visualisations.

Amongst the most important enhancements are:

ICEM Surf Professional

- Enhanced curve blending capabilities to improve visual quality of curves that show flat spots in the shape caused by the hard acceleration of curvature in a small areas.
- The workflow of matching curves or surfaces has been improved through automatic re-execution of matching criteria during control point modifications of inputs.
- Extended filleting capabilities now offer the possibility to generating Variable Chord fillets that to define different cross sectional chord lengths in support styling and aesthetical shape design requirements.
- Improved Diagnosis parameters to support entity color inheritance of surface and scan geometries.
- A new Object Manager tool is provided, optimizing the management and structuring of geometry models by their parts and molecules, combining and extending the functionalities offered by Objects – Editor and Objects menus.
- More flexibility in reviewing designs with new import/export functionality for ICEM DB diagnostics
- Improved visualization of shaded surfaces with high curvature through Pixel based lighting, removing rendering errors produced by insufficient tessellation.
- Product Repackaging of rendering options Reflection and Transparency of materials are now available with ICEM Surf Professional license.

ICEM Surf Realtime Renderer

- New possibilities to create HDR light sources are offered to aid the process in creating complex lighting scenarios for realistic renderings based on Environment Lighting.

ICEM Surf Safety Analysis

- More precise results of Safety Analysis diagnostics to support compliance with pedestrian safety regulations for vehicle design through improved algorithms

ICEM Surf Advanced Tools

- Extended Gap command capabilities by generation of negative gap distances in support of Automotive Interior Trim processes

About Dassault Systemes

As a world leader in 3D and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, Dassault Systemes brings value to more than 130,000 customers in 80 countries. A pioneer in the 3D software market since 1981, Dassault Systemes applications provide a 3D vision of the entire lifecycle of products from conception to maintenance to recycling. The Dassault Systemes portfolio consists of CATIA for designing the virtual product - SolidWorks for 3D mechanical design - DELMIA for virtual production - SIMULIA for virtual testing - ENOVIA for global collaborative lifecycle management, EXALEAD for search-based applications and 3DVIA for online 3D lifelike experiences

《曲面设计建模软件4.11》ICEM Surf 4.11-图片2



