《面部表情动画插件V3.0扩展版》BonyFace 3.0 Extended For 3ds Max 2008-2013

最新资源《面部表情动画插件V3.0扩展版》BonyFace 3.0 Extended For 3ds Max 2008-2013已关闭评论3,808

《面部表情动画插件V3.0扩展版》BonyFace 3.0 Extended For 3ds Max 2008-2013-图片1

本插件是由scriptattack机构出品的面部表情动画插件V3.0扩展版,BonyFace 3.0 Extended For 3ds Max 2008-2013,大小:1.29 MB,格式:exe crack。人人素材整理发布。

ScripAttack是对其3ds Max脸部表情和动画系统的最新升级。

BonyFace可以让用户创建一个基于骨骼的表情系统,通过皮肤权重在几分钟内就可以完成。脚本使用线条系统来“绘制”脸型,可自动生成设置,帮助用户建立直接或间接的“软”控制。这些设置可与Vanilla 3ds Max用户共享。

此次的BonyFace 3.0基本版新功能主要包含眼睑及下巴的改进设置,以及控制的重置按键。Bonyface 3.0可兼容3ds Max 2008及以上版本。而增加了选择快速生成变形目标以及支持动画分层两个功能的3.0扩展版,将来未来几周内推出。扩展版建议零售价为$999,但预售价仅为$399,并附赠2.7版本。


该脚本文件运用了样条曲线系统以对脸部进行“定位”,可自动生成面部配置并帮助用户设置直接或间接的“软”操作。同时,所生成的配置可与Vanilla的3ds Max用户共享。


BonyFace 3.0可与3ds Max 2008及以上版本兼容。此次扩展版本增加了快速生成音位变体目标选项并且新增了动画图层功能。该版本预计将于接下来几周内正式发布,建议零售价为999美元,提前预订售价为399美元。提前订购的用户可获赠该软件的2.7版本。

《面部表情动画插件V3.0扩展版》BonyFace 3.0 Extended For 3ds Max 2008-2013-图片2

BonyFace 3.0 Extended For 3ds Max 2008-2013
BonyFace is a complex facial animation system, was written on MAXScript, works in 3ds max 2008 and above.
It consists of tools for rigging, skinning and animating facial expressions on 3D-Faces with ease and flexibility.
1. Move main controls through Face tool
2. Fast and easy manipulations with facial controls through a very handy Selector tool
3. Create, save, browse and apply hundreds of facial poses, phonemes and animations
4. Interactively mix facial poses to make nice looking natural grimaces
5. Import facial poses, phonemes and animations from one 3d-face to another
6. Create and manage with 4 types of animation layers
7. Two kinds of layers for all or selected controls, include/exclude controls from layer
8. Easily change weight of any controls and/or any layer
9. Create various kinds of repeatedly animation
10. Transfer mocap animation to 3d-face
11. Work with text and phonemes to make animation of speaking character



