《亚洲风格室内场景3D模型合辑》Evermotion Archinteriors Vol.28

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《亚洲风格室内场景3D模型合辑》Evermotion Archinteriors Vol.28

本合辑是由Evermotion机构出品的亚洲风格室内场景3D模型合辑,Evermotion Archinteriors Vol.28,大小:3.81 GB,格式:Max,人人素材整理发布。


Evermotion Archinteriors Vol.28
Archinteriors vol. 28 includes 10 fully textured Asian interior scenes ready to render with professional shaders and lighting.
All scenes are prepared for V-ray 1.5 with 3dsmax 2009.
All presented renders are with postproduction. PSD files are included.
Recommended system specification: Quad Core PC with 8GB of ram and 64bit system



