《急速工业渲染器V5.2版和资料包》Bunkspeed Suite Pro 2012.5.2 x64 + Contents

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《急速工业渲染器V5.2版和资料包》Bunkspeed Suite Pro 2012.5.2 x64 + Contents-图片1


无声渲染 — 只需几分钟,而不是数小时。

渲染全部,无须任何专门技术。现在,任何人都可以为他们的 SolidWorks 设计创建照片质量的图像 — 只需几分钟,而不是数小时。 现在有了 Bunkspeed 提供的 HyperShot 的强大功能,渲染已成为创建过程和工作流程(从设计构思到营销图像)中一个简单而必要的部分。

HyperShot 申报了专利的技术可实现直接渲染,您可以实时创作和处理高分辨率 3D 数字图像。设计的渲染是动态进行的,其效果极为真实,并且具有全部图形细节。以前要由专家进行的工作,现在团队中的任何人都可以完成。

《急速工业渲染器V5.2版和资料包》Bunkspeed Suite Pro 2012.5.2 x64 + Contents-图片2

Bunkspeed Suite Pro 2012.5.2 x64 + Contents
The all new Bunkspeed PRO™ Suite 2012 is the combination of Bunkspeed Shot™ and Move™ into a single integrated application, along with many new additional features and productivity tools. The PRO Suite consolidates our effort to provide the creative digital designer in product design, graphic arts, architecture design and animation, the ability to quickly explore various design concepts and communicate their intent with beautifully rendered output in a single image and animation. The Bunkspeed PRO™ Suite adds functionality to enrich communication, evaluate product configurations, accurately simulate real world lighting and materials, streamlined work-flow, and scalable performance to meet the highest demands.

《急速工业渲染器V5.2版和资料包》Bunkspeed Suite Pro 2012.5.2 x64 + Contents-图片3

Those who are having license problems (at launch) first install the prerequisite then install the software and apply crack
1.Install the prerequisite
2.Install the baby…
3.Apply patch or replace the files in crack given below.
4.paste the contents in the right folder(generally documents/bunkspeed)



