本软件是有索尼出品的索尼视频非编剪辑软件V12.0版,Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12.0 Suite 12.0.575/12.0.576 x86/x64,大小:450.21 MB + 464.68 MB,格式:exe crack,包含32与64位版本,人人素材整理发布。
Sony Movie Studio Platinum软件拥有创造惊人高清影像所需的一切。强大的影音合成、色彩校正和环绕音响混合的强大工具将帮助您在自己的家庭工作室亦能创造出电影级别的作品。无论是分享、上传到优酷、录制蓝光甚至定制您的DVD菜单和界面。
Sony Movie Studio Platinum 12.0 Suite 12.0.575/12.0.576 x86/x64
Movie Studio Platinum software has everything needed to produce spectacular HD movies. Powerful tools for video compositing, color correction, and surround sound mixing help you get feature-film results in your home studio. To share, upload movies to YouTube™, burn to Blu-ray Disc™, or author DVDs with custom menus and graphics.