《面向流体的专业设计软件》Eplan Fluid P8 (32bit) 2.2

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《面向流体的专业设计软件》Eplan Fluid P8 (32bit) 2.2

Eplan Fluid P8 (32bit) 2.2 | 1.6 Gb

EPLAN软件自1984年推出第一个版本,经过20余年的持续改进,它发展为享誉欧美电气设计领域的知名电气设计软件-EPLAN 5。EPLAN 5使用基于图形的设计方式,为了适应亚太地区双字节语言操作系统,EPLAN公司在90年代末期推出了EPLAN 5姊妹产品-EPLAN 21。它是基于对象的设计方式,国内客户早期使用的即为该版本,随着计算机软硬件技术的发展,EPLAN 5和EPLAN 21在2006年停止开发,它们被合并到了最新的版本EPLAN Electric P8中。
EPLAN Electric P8吸纳了EPLAN 5 和EPLAN 21的优点,并结合Windows和AutoCAD的操作风格,使用户有更好的操作体验。EPLAN Electric P8使用的是Unicode技术,无需安装额外的程序,就能正常显示中文、日文、韩文等世界各种语言(操作系统已具有相应的字体,无论是用户喜欢基于图形设计,还是基于对象设计,都能快速的上手并熟练使用,而且以前积累的EPLAN 5 和EPLAN 21的数据,都能顺利地迁移到新的EPLAN Electric P8中。此外,EPLAN软件已由最初的单一的电气设计软件演变为具有同一工程数据管理平台的CAE工具。除了进行电气设计,EPLAN Fluid可以让你进行快速气动,液压等流体图设计,EPLAN PPE可以让你进行快速P&ID图,现场仪器仪表图设计,而EPLAN Cabinet可以在设计电气控制柜时。除了有3D的直观视图,还可以提供自动布线,自动统计导线长度等功能,EPLAN ESG(原理图生成器)则将电气工程师的工作由原来的制图为主转变为设计为主。这些软件模块与EPLAN Electric P8具有同一个数据库,在电气设计中的数据信息可以传递到其它软件中,也可以传递到其它的第三方软件(如Autodesk Inventor,UG等机械软件,SIEMENS Step-7,Schneider Unity等电气软件)或第三方系统(如ERP,PDM等),同时,软件的数据信息,如电缆长度,安装底板尺寸,端子标签等可以直接传送给相应的加工设备,由机械设备完成电缆裁切与打号,端子标签印制等以前人工完成的工作。
EPLAN Electric P8具有三种不同的用户版本:
EPLAN Electric P8 Trial(试用版本):适合于新用户尝试软件操作,功能,可以使用30天,打印时图纸有水印。EPLAN Electric P8 Education(教育版本):适用于在校学生或各种大中专院校,可以使用30天,功能不完整。EPLAN Electric P8:这是正式的商业版本,它又分了3个版本,不同版本功能不同,价格也不同:简易版、标准版、专业版。

EPLAN公司成立于1984年德国。EPLAN最初的产品是基于DOS平台,然后经历了Windows3.1、Windows95、Windows98、Windows2000、Windows Vista等、Windows7等平台发展历史。EPLAN是以电气设计为基础的跨专业的设计平台,包括电气设计、流体设计、仪表设计、机械设计(如机柜设计)等。EPLAN拥有一个家族系列产品,其产品系列丰富,主要分为:EPLAN Electric P8、EPLAN Fluid、EPLAN PPE 和EPLAN Cabinet,这四个产品被认为是面向工厂自动化设计的产品,也形象的被称为是工厂设计自动化的帮手。从标准来看,EPLAN符合几大国际设计标准,如IEC、JIC、GOST 、GB等。
EPLAN Electronic P8:从1984年开始一直在研发,主要面向传统的电气设计和自动化集成商的系统设计软件,是面向电气专业的设计和管理软件;
EPLAN Fluid:面向流体的专业设计软件;
EPLAN PPE:面向过程控制和仪表控制设计的软件。
EPLAN Cabinet:面向机箱机柜等柜体的设计软件,即面向电气项目的柜体内部安装布局过程的三维模拟设计。值得说明的是,Cabinet把威图机柜的产品手册和产品目录集成在软件里,用户可以直接在软件中进行选型,使用便利。
作为源自德国的顶级电气设计软件,EPLAN原来有EPLAN 5和EPLAN 21两个产品系列。EPLAN 5更多应用于传统的欧洲市场,EPLAN 21是更面向美国市场或者中国这样一个国际化市场。两个产品曾经独立开发二十年以上,功能类似,但两个相似的产品,在市场上面对客户,容易会引起误解和分歧,因此EPLAN在2005年把这两个软件合并到一个统一个平台上,这就是现在的EPLAN Electric P8,同时,原有的EPLAN 21和EPLAN 5这两类产品停止研发。新的EPLAN Electric P8综合了原有EPLAN 21和EPLAN 5两个产品系列的优点,并增加了新功能,被认为是一个创新和革命化的统一平台,是代表EPLAN最高水平的一个软件。

Solution provider EPLAN showcases the new Version 2.2 of the EPLAN Platform. With numerous functional extensions and innovative additional modules, for example for field cabling, it opens up new perspectives in engineering for users.

The new graphical macro selection, smart terminal analysis and automatic termination points when copying sections of a circuit provide rapid design engineering results. Engineers receive a solid system which accelerates processes and provides a basis for standardization and automation.

Monheim, 8 October 2012: The motto is clear: efficient engineering and the simultaneous creation of high-quality and informative documentation. The new Version 2.2 of the EPLAN Platform has been created to solve just this problem. Rapid filters in the project data navigators, comprehensive parts data exchange and extended terminal design ensures greater convenience and speed in project processing. An intuitive graphical macro selection helps designers to implement standards effectively, while still being able to navigate comprehensive macro collections. Informative graphics and a clear structure makes accessing defined circuit templates a breeze. Complicated clicking through directory structures is replaced by graphically supported navigation. This allows the technical sales staff to draw up the initial circuit documentation in dialogue with their customers as early as the initial project brief.

Terminals shown graphically

Clear circuit diagrams are one thing - informative reports another. Version 2.2 focusses on the evaluation of terminal data. The switching states of the terminals stored in the circuit diagram can be automatically illustrated graphically in reports. This is highly desirable in the power engineering sector in particular, because here the switching states and the detailed structure of the terminal blocks are a central component of project documentation. Once the terminal data has been stored in the circuit diagram, EPLAN can automatically generate these high-quality terminal documents.

Smart Connecting extended

What do engineers do when the circuit diagram page is overflowing with information? When the problem is; no more space, or simply too overcrowded to read? Termination points are now automatically set between connections that become separated when circuit sections are moved by Copy&Paste from one circuit diagram page to another. All electrical connections are now retained without the designer needing to do anything. Tidying up or redrawing circuit diagrams has now become fun. Colleagues in the downstream project phases can now make their contribution to optimum project progress thanks to short installation and commissioning times, this is due to clear comprehensible documentation.

EPLAN FieldSys

Informative and complete project documentation is absolutely essential in automation technology. This documentation is indispensable, not only in Engineering, but also for Installation, Commissioning and Service. It is even better if the field cabling of a machine or plant, (which is becoming more and more complex,) can also be directly documented in the EPLAN project. This documentation becomes an integral part of the EPLAN project with the new EPLAN FieldSys module. Cables can automatically be routed through a network and the lengths calculated from an underlying 2D shop layout. The outcome is the best possible data for cost calculations and comprehensive routing information for the installation team on site. Connections between controller and field components can be planned efficiently and documented sustainably in this way.

About Eplan Fluid P8

EPLAN Fluid supports fluid engineering with automated documentation. Simple handling, numerous test functions, and standard support make your design efficient – from now on the system assumes time-consuming standard tasks.

About EPLAN Software

We have been developing engineering solutions for more than 25 years. As a subsidiary of Rittal within the Friedhelm Loh conglomerate, we are synonymous with continuous development, innovation, longevity and secure investment. Seven German offices and a presence in over 50 countries across the globe stand for a professional consultant service is close at hand. 30,000 customers of all sizes from a broad range of industries, are using our solutions every day – and are opening up new dimensions in engineering.

The EPLAN platform together with Autodesk products for M-CAD and PDM can assure data continuity throughout all disciplines. All departments work within one uniform database with EPLAN Electric P8 (electrical engineering), EPLAN Fluid (fluid engineering), EPLAN PPE (EMSR engineering) and EPLAN Pro Panel Professional (enclosure engineering). EPLAN provides everything from a single source as one of the leading Autodesk resellers: AutoCAD Inventor, AutoCAD Mechanical, and the PDM solutions of the Vault product family.



