MSC SimXpert 2012 | 2.8 Gb
SimXpert – 首个为分析师设计的终端对终端方案
MSC Software 顺应仿真流程知识捕捉的需求,通过 SimXpert - “下一代高级多学科仿真方案”,全面实现 CAE 的协同仿真,特别针对专业分析师开发的 SimXpert 是集 MSC Software 公司 Nastran 的创始者 四十余年仿真经验和行业领袖的精髓。
通过 SimXpert, MSC Software 提供了一个“游戏转换式”的 CAE 方案,使行业专家可以捕捉、共享和再使用数据、模型和方法,在同一个终端对终端 的仿真环境中驱动这些共同的信息实现多学科仿真试验。SimXpert 与 SimDesigner 和 SimManager 的无缝集成,使得分析师大大扩展了仿真范围,最佳实现企业级方案,提高生产力,快速驱动创新。
提高生产力 – 在同一个直观环境中,处理分析流程中的所有要求。SimXpert 消除了在不同学科间需要重新创建不同模型的制约,大大提高了分析效率,建立了可靠的、可重复的最佳的实践环境。
缩短设计周期 - SimXpert 通过延伸的企业级方案,最大程度的实现协同,防止了数据丢失,使得分析师、设计师和供应商间三者之间更加顺畅。
最大化商业效率 – 集成的模板创建器和执行器使手动或重复的作业实现最佳自动化,集成的仿真数据管理方案提供了方便的数据谱系追踪功能。
提高精度和产品质量 – 在 SimXpert 统一的环境中,分析师进行不同的学科仿真时采用同一数值模型,大大提高了仿真真实世界的准确性。
驱动创新 - SimXpert 通过对从设计到制造以及整个供应链的每一环节的仿真流程的改进,给产品和设计创新带来了根本上的提升。
SimXpert 为分析师提供了一个强大的工作环境,满足在所有的仿真阶段中自动进行重复性工作和保护数据完整性的要求。
分析师在 SimXpert 中完成仿真流程的全过程- 即从建模、求解、结果的前后处理到报告生成,这一切都在一个集成的 Workspace 中完成。在一个统一的用户界面中方便地实现多种类型分析,无需来回切换界面,这种高效直观的界面使得分析师可以在更短的时间内实现大型、复杂的真实问题的数值仿真和求解。
SimXpert强大效率的关键在于通过统一的一整套高级 Workspace,使得不同学科的分析师们便利地实现数据模型和结果的共享
•高级结构分析功能 – 提供了线性和非线性有限元分析和多种下一代分析和报告工具,这个分析环境包括应力、振动和接触等分析功能
•高级运动分析功能 – 提供完整的包含刚体和柔性体在内的多体动力学系统仿真功能,分析不同零部件、连接和各种力的大小,从而得到整个系统的性能和精确的载荷预报。.
•高级热分析功能 – 分析各种不同的传热路径,完整的有限元热分析包括稳态热传导、自由/强迫对流和热-机耦合分析。
•高级碰撞分析功能 – 显式非线性有限元求解器,分析各种碰撞、跌落等瞬态非线性问题,分析师们可以利用其高性能环境研究复杂的有限元模型的防撞性和安全性问题,其中可以包含假人模型的定位、安全带和气囊的展开等
•高级方案扩展性功能 – SimXpert 是一个开放的平台,极易集成第三方产品和实现客户化。
MSC Software Corporation, the leader in multidiscipline simulation solutions that accelerate product innovation, announced release of SimXpert 2012. This release empowers engineers to perform an expansive range of multidisciplinary simulations by delivering new tools that accelerate learning curves and shorten model preparation and setup times all within a fully integrated user environment.
The SimXpert 2012 release provides engineers with a number of enhancements including:
The time spent preparing geometry for meshing and analysis has been significantly improved in SimXpert 2012 with the addition of several new and enhanced geometry editing tools including geometry stitching, clean-up, and de-featuring.
Meshing has also been significantly improved through the introduction of new feature-based meshing capabilities which leverage geometry features for uniform meshing patterns. Improvements in surface meshing allow engineers to generate better two dimensional meshes across complex geometry, and new interactive meshing enhancements help users simplify the preparation of mesh for analysis, and allow the mesh to automatically update when certain changes are made to it.
There have been a number of enhancements made to the Model Bowser in SimXpert 2012 which give engineers greater ease of use and increased modeling efficiency. Users will find impressive navigation and search improvements that speed assembly modeling and analysis. Additional improvements to the model browser, such as the ability to organize based on entity type display groups in user specified colors, help engineers perform quicker modifications and intuitive simulations with greater ease.
Extensive action libraries are also delivered with this release as open-source to help users assemble models quickly and learn how to perform customization and automation faster than ever before.
SimXpert 2012 introduces new capabilities for structural simulations including MSC Random, which allows users to perform random analysis. The release also provides broader coverage of MSC Nastran and MD Nastran multidiscipline features. New extensions for explicit nonlinear simulations were added including revamping the user interface for improved ease of use, and automatic generation of coupling surfaces. Aeroelasticity modeling support in SimXpert is now available with the 2012 release, supporting functionalities like model organization, wetted surface creation, spline blending, and verification.
Co-simulation improvements in SimXpert benefit users by enabling robust integration of motion and controls workspaces. For example, a motion model simulation is executed in a cooperative manner with another model, typically with a control system or actuation model system.
About MSC Software
MSC Software is one of the ten original software companies and the worldwide leader in multidiscipline simulation. As a trusted partner, MSC Software helps companies improve quality, save time and reduce costs associated with design and test of manufactured products. Academic institutions, researchers, and students employ MSC technology to expand individual knowledge as well as expand the horizon of simulation. MSC Software employs 1,000 professionals in 20 countries.