《工业设计二三维一体化设计分析软件》Siemens Solid Edge ST4 MP08 Update升级包

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《工业设计二三维一体化设计分析软件》Siemens Solid Edge ST4 MP08 Update升级包

Siemens Solid Edge ST4 MP08 Update | 400.9 mb

Solid Edge ST4继续推出新的功能,进一步增强创新性设计环境,帮助机械设计人员和工程师更快地设计出更好的产品。例如,全新的自动化“实时截面”功能,可以更加简单、快捷地创建和编辑旋转体;新的3D建模关系有利于对原生或导入的几何图形进行居中、偏移和编辑;新的3D装配关系可在装配中自动定位部件,避免部件干涉;视图功能得到加强;通过与Cadenas 股份有限公司合作,形成新的战略部件管理系统,为采用原生Solid Edge格式的3D标准配置和供应商部件提供了一个专用门户。
BEUMER Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG是一家位于德国的专业制造输送、装卸、码垛、包装、分拣和配送机械的国际领先内部物流系统生产商。该公司的机械工程师Volker Horstmann表示:“作为机械设计师,我们在工作中经常与大装配打交道。正因为这样,我们公司对Solid Edge ST4及其在装配环境下对生产效率的提升印象非常深刻。通过使用基于同步建模技术的新指令,我们能够直接在装配环境中编辑3D模型,无需绘制2D草图,这样加快了产品的设计流程。现在,我们可以更好地掌控设计工作并马上看到结果,立即做出采用、编辑或是否决解决方案的决策。Solid Edge ST4具有更大的设计灵活性,而且比以前更加直观。”更好的协同、仿真和文档记录
Siemens PLM Software注重了解客户需求并能够直接响应他们的需要,Solid Edge ST4的许多新功能都是由此产生的,这确保了每种功能的加强都可以为客户带来真正的业务价值。通过这种基于客户需求的改善方式,Solid Edge ST4提高了用户与他们的客户及供应商之间的协同能力,简化了类似工程制图、钣金设计等日常产品开发任务,从而为用户带来实实在在的业务价值。
捷克医疗用床及家具设计公司Linet spol. S.r.o的设计开发总监Vladimir Kolar表示:“我们应用了Solid Edge的所有功能,现在我们已经离不开它了。我们设计的许多零部件都是复杂的塑料件,所以没有3D技术就无法进行有效设计。使用Solid Edge后,我们的零部件尺寸都很符合要求,并且我们已经基本消除了车间里的错误。我们是Solid Edge的老客户,Siemens PLM Software通过倾听了解客户需求来提升、加强产品的做法给我留下了深刻的印象。相信对Solid Edge ST4所作出的各项功能增强也会在业界产生深远的影响。”支持JT和PDF格式
Solid Edge ST4的其中一个增强功能是专门针对企业与供应商、合作伙伴和客户协同的需求,他们往往使用多种互不兼容的计算机辅助设计(CAD)软件应用数据格式。Solid Edge ST4集成Siemens PLM Software 的数字生命周期管理解决方案Teamcenter® 软件或者Teamcenter® Express软件,充分利用JT这一得到广泛认可的轻量级3D数据格式,来准确、安全、高效地共享产品信息。Solid Edge是同类产品中第一个在装配中使用JT数据的CAD系统,并提供与JT数据内容充分关联的更新。由于JT已经在全球制造业和产品生命周期管理软件行业普遍使用,因而Solid Edge ST4能够大大减少甚至消除数据的不兼容性,从而创建了无缝的协同环境。
Solid Edge ST4的新功能还包括使用Adobe® Reader®软件使零部件和装配信息轻松保存为3D PDF文件,便于浏览和共享,进一步增强了协同能力。产品与制造信息(PMI)、尺寸和标注都包含在PDF文件中,并配有装配结构示意图。这种新格式文件非常适合在整个产品生命周期过程中向所有相关方传达3D的产品信息和创意。世界一流的制图能力
Solid Edge的开发人员知道制图是工程师的一项重要任务,因此Solid Edge ST4延续了软件在这方面的领先优势,进一步加强了其世界一流的制图能力,使产品设计文档制作变得更加简单快速。Solid Edge ST4在表格自定义、标注与尺寸控制、创建自定义的视图标题、个别图纸的自动化视图缩放等更多功能上都有了显著增强。
荷兰大型热力交换机部件制造商Geha BV公司的工程经理Jan Bos表示:“我对Solid Edge ST4的印象非常深刻,特别是其在制图功能方面的加强。使用Solid Edge的体验让我们相信,Siemens PLM Software提供了业内最佳的CAD解决方案。使用Solid Edge后,我们的员工不仅在设计效率上事半功倍,同时提高了产品质量,降低了返工率。”钣金设计验证
Solid Edge ST4对在Solid Edge中受到高度认可的钣金功能进行了多项增强改进,提高了计算机辅助工程(CAE)仿真能力,并加快了设计验证过程。现阶段,在装配层级就可以创建钣金中位面,而将表面和实体统一的新功能提高了有限元网格在极复杂零部件之间的可靠性。增加了改进和控制网格划分的新方法,如在边沿设置最小单元和为小部件设置最大单元,使用户能够增加细节以提高结果准确性。此外,曲面工具也可用于创建塑料部件等一般薄部件的中位面,加快结果显现速度,增加解算可靠性。这些新功能为在含有钣金部件的复杂模型上优化设计和更快地获得结果提供了一种简单易用的方法。

Solid Edge is the most complete hybrid 2D/3D CAD system on the market today. With superior core modelling and process workflows, a unique focus on the needs of specific industries and fully integrated design management, Solid Edge helps guide your projects toward an error-free, accurate design solution.

When it comes to 3D design, Solid Edge with synchronous technology is your best choice for accelerating design, getting products to market quicker, speeding ECO execution and maximising your re-use of imported 2D and 3D data.

Solid Edge is distinguished by its ability to provide superior part and assembly modelling, drafting, transparent data management and built-in finite element analysis. These attributes enable Solid Edge to deliver the fastest, most flexible design experience possible while easing the challenges inherit in performing product development in today’s complex global economy.

Product: Solid Edge
Date: 21-Sep-2012

Maintenance Packs are all inclusive and can be installed on top of the base
release or any released Maintenance Pack.

This Maintenance Pack can be installed on top of Versions:,,,,,,, or

End of Release Notes

Installation Notes:

After downloading the Maintenance Pack to your machine, unbundle the zip file and
then dbl click on exe to install the Maintenance Pack.

Windows 7 Installation tips: In addition to turning off UAC, right click on the exe
and select "run as administrator" to complete the installation.

Windows 7 Tip: Most of the UAC security conflicts on Win7 can be avoided by installing
Solid Edge somewhere other than the default “Program Files” folder. Install in a location
like c:\SolidEdge\ that the user has full permission to write to.

End of Installation

This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:


PR 2188413: Geometry from addin unexpectedly being removed from UnDo on Next command
PR 1903366: Replace via API does not work as via User Interface
PR 1891179: GetGlobalParameter (..glMinimumFlatLength) always delivers 0.0025
PR 1875930: API - wrong Text Box Width and Weight when adding multi line text
PR 2201222: problem with the method of reading and changing the dimension style by API
PR 2201877: API: Parent Object of the fill pattern cannot be acquired


PR 1901251: FOA file aborts on open
PR 1902643: Pattern fails to update correctly when used with family of assemblies
PR 2198695: Positioning of node in Frame Simulation always offsets from Line End 1
PR 1903074: QAT will be deleted after modification
PR 6608469: displaying subassembly parts.
PR 1900020: display issues after locating dimensions in Assemble
PR 1907507: Failing relationships when assembly features are recomputed in ST4
PR 2197077: Error - No License - WEBPUBLISHER
PR 6623403: Conflicting error message on feature compute.
PR 1903013: Missing override body information caused assembly features to not be visible
PR 1906702: Cannot place connect relation in some workflows
PR 1902264: A reproducible crash on redo after deleting assembly features
PR 6769819: Assembly file not shrinking as expected when components are deleted
PR 6769125: Multiple Solutions dialog one hour after updating all links
PR 2201912: Circle not locating properly when creating 3D segment in XpresRoute in sub-assembly
PR 6772627: Zones do not work properly with Adjustable Assemblies


PR 1879173: Subscript text size cannot be changed via stack options
PR 1904131: The command 'Retrieve Dimensions' generates a small angular dimension
PR 1904254: Fixed a problem aligning drawing views using keypoints to blocks
PR 1904828: Solid Edge Crash when Editing Text
PR 1905667: Merge vertical cells with same value doesn't work correctly
PR 1906483: Dimension's projection lines are not shown
PR 1906525: Underlined balloons added in ST4 to ST3 ones are orientated to the wrong side
PR 2198792: Dimension disappears when "Convert to 2D View" is executed
PR 2200501: Tolerance symbol removed when dimension is dragged in AutoCAD
PR 2202087: Scale line widths should be enabled by default instead of scale line types
PR 1906788: Fixed a problem with LT format code not displaying in Callout text on scalar values
PR 1910328: Stretch command does not work on shared embed inserted symbols
PR 6767274: Clicking Back or Cancel in the Drawing View Layout step causes a crash
PR 1911446: Save As PDF - No error message when pdf file couldn't be overwritten
PR 6759715: Center justified callout jumps to the left when modified
PR-6776073: New callouts with property text don't honor the user's return/new lines
PR 1909452: Dimensions detach or incorrectly bind on update of view with PMI sections

===Part/Profile/Sheet Metal===

PR 1903647: Thread information not being present in Synchronous part copy
PR 2198575: Canґt import CATIA V5 file
PR 2199611: After adding protrusion 'Edit Definition handles' does not appear for some holes
PR 2200996: the move faces command terminating if "Ctrl+F" is used
PR 6724478: Red Pencils in PathFinder after Edit Profile with no changes
PR 6735355: Part disappears when adding a pattern of holes
PR 6747704: Not seeing the failure code during preview
PR 1907418: Solid Edge is closing when using show variability
PR 2202748: Abort when using mouse wheel to scroll through MRU
PR 1902823: Differences in Flat Pattern between ST2 and ST4
PR 1904514: Wrong visualization when suppressing an occurrence in assembly sketch pattern


PR 1905478: Revision Manager Set Path Browse for Folder slow performance over network on Windows 7
PR 6758938: Bend Radius change is not honored in a SharePoint managed assembly

===Solid Edge Embedded Client===

PR 1884750: Diagnostics tool is not working
PR 1902765: Error on save as translated from read-only part opened from assembly.
PR 1905070: Data preparation - Filename with accents
PR 6730948: Setting the revision and then the Item ID causes the dataset name to not display
PR 6740151: Edge crashes on saving the file to Teamcenter sub folder and then exit
PR 6748390: Query will not return TC item revisions with no SE datasets
PR 6746704: BOM Dialog display for Empty Item Revision
PR 1903302: Revise with SEEC_Image_Generate_3D=false creates JT file if already present
PR 6721338: SEEC Admin Policy files are getting delivered to the wrong location
PR 6760443: Custom Property on draft file converting from date field to text field.
PR 1902441: Save As into existing item revision doesn't work (naming rule)
PR 1899293: Non SE datasets are loaded in ST Cache during load process
PR 1907261: Assigning Rev ID before Item ID in Save As incorrectly names dataset
PR 1901182: Property manager needs hour(s) to show properties
About Siemens AG

Siemens AG is a German engineering conglomerate, the largest of its kind in Europe. Siemens has international headquarters located in Berlin, Munich and Erlangen. The company has three main business sectors: Industry, Energy, and Healthcare; with a total of 15 divisions. Worldwide, Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 420,800 people in nearly 190 countries and reported global revenue of 76.651 billion euros for the year of 2009. Siemens AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 12, 2001.

Note: Solid Edge stops certifying new releases against an operating system shortly after Microsoft drops mainstream support for it. Microsoft dropped mainstream support for XP in April 2009. Solid Edge ST4 is the last version to install on Windows XP. For ST4, we will not address XP operating system related issues or provide XP-specific fixes. Solid Edge ST5 will not install on XP. Solid Edge does not run on server operating systems.



