《PS艺术家实例教程-飞艇》video2brain Photoshop Artist in Action Uli Staigers Airship English

学习教程 最新资源《PS艺术家实例教程-飞艇》video2brain Photoshop Artist in Action Uli Staigers Airship English已关闭评论1,263

《PS艺术家实例教程-飞艇》video2brain Photoshop Artist in Action Uli Staigers Airship English

本视频教程是由video2brain机构出品的PS艺术家实例教程-飞艇,时长:58分,大小:206 MB + 58 MB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Uli Staiger,官方发布日期:2010年12月17日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。



video2brain Photoshop Artist in Action Uli Staigers Airship English
Create a Classic Steampunk Scene
In Airship, master Photoshop artist Uli Staiger takes you step by step through the process of creating a fantasy montage where the majestic airship is the true lord of the air. Following his instructions, you’ll use Photoshop to prepare the background image by improving the contrast and lighting, add the airship itself, and then make a series of adjustments to create a unified and believable final image. You’ll accomplish all this through a series of simple, easy-to-follow lessons that give you plenty of room to add your own artistic touches to the final product.



