《英特尔软件开发套件》Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013

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《英特尔软件开发套件》Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013-图片1

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 | 1.2 Gb

英特尔公司近日宣布新推出两款软件开发套件:英特尔® Parallel Studio XE 2013和英特尔® Cluster Studio XE 2013。这些集成套件包括优化的编译器、库以及分析工具,协助开发者有效地利用英特尔®至强 Phi™协处理器等当前以及下一代处理器提升的应用程序性能。这些新套件还能够帮助开发者更加轻松地为服务器、集群、工作站、台式机和超极本™开发出性能更高的应用软件。
英特尔 Parallel Studio XE提供的先进工具可用于开发卓越的共享内存应用。而英特尔Cluster Studio XE增加了对分布式和混合应用的支持。使用这些工具开发的应用通常能够在计算机、服务器和集群上更快速地运行,而且可以在计算机和集群中很好地运行和扩展,同时能够提高效率,开发出更快速、更可靠的应用。
支持第三代智能英特尔®酷睿™处理器、即将问世的“Haswell”微架构和英特尔®至强 Phi™协处理器。
更好地支持C++ 11、Fortran 2008和MPI 2.2标准。
扩展并行机制,在Windows*和C/C++的基础上增加Linux*、Fortran*和C#* 。

上市时间 2012年9月5日
定价 面向Windows*和Linux*的Intel® Parallel Studio XE $2,299
面向Windows和Linux的Intel® C++ Studio XE $1,599
面向Windows和Linux的Intel® Fortran Studio XE $1,899
面向Windows和Linux的Intel® Cluster Studio XE $2,949
更多信息 www.intel.com/software/products
经销商 http://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/intel-software-products-resellers/

英特尔编译器针对英特尔微处理器的优化程度可能与针对非英特尔微处理器的优化程度不同。这些优化包括 SSE2、SSE3 和 SSSE3 指令集和其他优化。对于非英特尔微处理器上的任何优化是否存在、其功能或效力,英特尔不做任何保证。本产品中取决于微处理器的优化是针对英特尔处理器。不具体针对英特尔微架构的特定优化为英特尔微处理器保留。请参考适用的产品用户与参考指南,获取有关本说明中具体指令集的更多信息。

Intel released its latest parallel programming tools–Parallel Studio XE for shared memory applications which includes a host of improvements aimed at saving developers time when building and troubleshooting multi-threaded and parallel applications.

Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 includes a wide range of Intel development tools in a single suite offering. It comprises of Intel Composer XE which itself includes Intel C/C++ Compiler, Intel Fortran Compiler, Intel Math Kernel Library (a library of optimised math functions), Intel Integrated Performance Primitives (a library of optimised media and data functions) and Intel Threading Building Blocks (a C++ template solution for general parallelism). Additionally Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 comes with Intel Inspector XE for memory/thread error checking, Intel VTune Amplifer XE for application performance profiling and Intel Advisor XE for threading analysis.

New in this release: Parallel Studio XE 2013 introduces support for the latest Intel processors, a new C++ Performance Guide, enhanced support for Fortran 2008 and C++11 language standards and more: this

About Intel Corporation

Intel Corporation is an American multinational semiconductor chip maker corporation headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Intel is the world's largest and highest valued semiconductor chip maker, based on revenue. It is the inventor of the x86 series of microprocessors, the processors found in most personal computers. Intel Corporation, founded on July 18, 1968, is a portmanteau of Integrated Electronics (the fact that "intel" is the term for intelligence information was also quite suitable). Intel also makes motherboard chipsets, network interface controllers and integrated circuits, flash memory, graphic chips, embedded processors and other devices related to communications and computing. Founded by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore and widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove, Intel combines advanced chip design capability with a leading-edge manufacturing capability. Though Intel was originally known primarily to engineers and technologists, its "Intel Inside" advertising campaign of the 1990s made it and its Pentium processor household names.

《英特尔软件开发套件》Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013-图片2




