本资源是关于C4D插件2012合集,大小:5.93GB,格式:exe crack,近百个插件合辑。人人素材整理发布。
inema 4D是一套由德国公司Maxon Computer开发的3D绘图软件,以及高的运算速度和强大的渲染插件著称。Cinema 4D 应用广泛,在广告、电影、工业设计、等方面都有出色的表现,例如影片《阿凡达》有花鸦三维影动研究室中国工作人员使用Cinema 4D制作了部分场景,在这样的大片中看到C4D的表现是很优秀的。在其他动画电影中也人人素材网使用到C4D的有很多如《毁灭战士》(Doom)、《范海辛》〈Van Helsing〉、《蜘蛛侠》、以及动画片《极地特快》、《丛林总动员》(Open Season)等等。它正成为许多一流艺术家和电影公司的首选,Cinema 4D已经走向成熟,很多模块的功能在同类软件中是代表科技进步的成果。
Plug-ins Collection For Maxon CINEMA 4D
large and unique collection of plug-ins for 3D modeling program Maxon CINEMA 4D. Plugins for different versions of plugins. Gathered for myself, and decided to share with your loved tracker. To reduce the collection, plugins pinch format ISZ. file extension. isz, Open File isz
Composition distribution
1) Cinema 4D plugin Nitroblast 1.2 x86 + x64 [2011, ENG]
2) Cinema 4D plugin Nitroblast 1.0 x86 + x64 [2010, ENG]
3) GreyscaleGorilla – CityKit for Cinema 4D 1.2 x86 + x64 [2011, ENG]
4) Motionworks – MovieType for Cinema 4D v.1 x86 + x64 [2011, ENG]
5) GreyscaleGorilla – CityKit for Cinema 4D 1.0
6) V-RAY for Cinema 4D x86 + x64 [2010, ENG]
7) Cinema 4D R12 Plug-in Spline Patch v2.51.1 X-Force Mac & Win 2.51.1 x86 + x64 [2010, ENG]
8) VRay for Cinema 4D (10, 11, 11.5)
9) Plug-in Add-the- Sea Reloaded for cinema 4D v8-11 32/64
10) V-Ray for Cinema 4D 1.082
11) Three-dimensional animation and plugins for Cinema 4D
12) finalRender Stage-2 SP3 for CINEMA 4D
1. AIT - Automatically adjusts the nodes on tangents - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 11 or higher
2. AlignAssistant - Aligns the child objects to PSR. The first and last group object, etc. - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
3. ArchiPlug GETerrain v1 3 - ??Import terranes with maps Google - v1 3 Win32
4. ArchiPlug Sketch4D v1 3 - ??Imports of scenes and models from SketchUp - Win32
5. Biomekk Cineview v1 22 008 - Advanced poschnik and viewer - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. Biomekk EdgeShade v1 01 020 - set of two shaders and SoftEdge DrawEdge ispolzuemych drawing frames and softening sharp corners - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. Biomekk EnhanceC4D v1 00 027 - A set of 178 2D and 3D procedural shaders - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. Biomekk Lumen v2 00 167 - Advanced tools for light sources - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Biomekk zBlur v2 00313 - Alternative Instrument for effect DOF - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Blackstar Cinapsis v1 1 0-For a quick search, and edit items in a scene, a dynamic run commands and plug-ins - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
11. Blackstar enDOFin v1 03 - negative after-affects the depth of field of the field without the module Advanced Render - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
12. Blackstar PhotometricIES v1 0 - to create real photometric light sources without any additional software visualization - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
13. Blackstar PtexShader v1 0 - Effective tekturirovaniya raster maps - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
14. Blackstar RefShader v2 1 - An advanced tool use shaders without kopipasta - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
15. C4DJack SplineSPREAD - Aligns or clone any number of objects on a spline, etc. - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
16. C4DJack SurfaceSPREAD v1 00 31 For the creation of landscape scenes, the distribution of objects on the geology, rocks and terrain generation, contains shaders and plants - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
17. Control4DPRO v1 0 - For rialtaymovoy animation with new management tools - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
18. D3D CinePoserLT 2 1 To import scenes and animations from Poser format. Obj, including materials, lights and cameras - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
19. D3D SplinesPlus v2 02 - Five more advanced tools to work with splines - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
20. D3D UVMapEdit v1 03 - Three 'supplies for interactive editing UV-scans - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
21. DNS PaintOnSurface 1 64 - For a quick and easy way to place some objects on other poverhnositi as brush - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
22. DNS WinGen v1 14 - to quickly create, organize and edit windows on architectural objects - WINONLY 32 for C4D 12
1. DPIT Plants & Effev1 5 0 x Full - DPIT Plants for procedural modeling and animation of organic structures, trees and plants. DPIT Effex to create fluids, fire, smoke, steam and explosions - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
2. DropIt Pro - plug-in menu for landing facilities or rospolozheniya them on any other surface - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
3. DropItPro_v1.03_Full - Same as above, but from another doctor - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
4. Earthcontrol plugEllo DC010711 - plugin like MoGraph, to clone objects and the application to them of various parameters in a few clicks - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
5. EasyClone - cloning and automatic selection of points, edges and polygons - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. EdgeSweep_1.0 - Generates EdgeSelections scan objects from under the strain of the original object - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. FluidTools_Beta_0.86_26 - A set of plug-ins and tools for simulation and control of liquid media WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. GeneMagtoto ToothedWheel v1 0 01 - generator gears, sprockets, fans, etc. - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. GeoTools - a powerful set of plugins for editing and editing meshes (retopologiyu) and many others - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. REPEAT. Folder is the composition of auxiliary materials. Two sets of one full.
11. Ground - A small tag plugin for the location of objects on the ground. - WINONLY 32 for C4D 12
12. Harvester 2.03 - creates and stores a character animation, can apply the saved settings to the other characters - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
13. Heyne Spline Patch v2 51 1 - Creates a surface from four border splines generates objects created on splines, splines can then be changed at any time. - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
14. Heyne Stacx v1 01 1 - To create a multi-dimensional materials with different thicknesses of the layers WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
15. JannisLabelle Head Designer - Designer heads of different characters. WINONLY 32 for C4D 12
1. Katachi_Rulertools_v2.0 - Adds dimensional line (as in Photoshop) in the window - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
2. LANDSCAPE-SHADING-KIT-V1 and V2 - A collection of parametric landscaping materials with their 'supplies editing - WIN / MAC 32 and 64
3. KDZ Greebler v1 01 - Set of three plugins for the generation and distribution of many small facilities given by the parameters - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
4. KDZ InterPoserLtd v2 50a - To import from Poser scenes with the possibility of editing - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
5. KDZ interPoserPro R120 199m - to import models from Poser with the ability to edit them - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. Kekko3D SpeedMud1 1 - A set of tools to accurately model and rskladkoy in CAD ??programs - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. KVB Control4D PRO Full - to use HID devices to move around the stage and recording for more realistic animation - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. LAUBLAB rhino io v1 1 - Import / Export plug-in for Rhino scenes using tools OpenNURBS - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Lotsofpixels fusionThing v1 15 - For the procedural modeling and animation based on the union, the distortion and manipulation of the full grid, not just the vertices or polygons - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Mirror Mirror April 1 - To reflect the objects or copies of himself and axes - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
1. Nitro4D_AniMidi_v1.05 - To use the sound effects in Cinema 4D, you can control the animation using Midi music, EasyCloth_v2.2 - Creating a simple cloth in a few clicks, Thrausi 1.36 - Animated breaking objects with gravity, WeightLoopPaint_v1.00 - For easy management of small bones - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
2. - P o in t o p -
3. Paranormal4D_1.2 - Set of 8 with a single shader editing, which can be done by regular means program - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
4. - P o in t o p -
5. SetInstance - The same as the instance, but it works with groups of instances and accepts the position, rotation and scaling of the parent objects - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
6. SilverBullet4D - For detection of solids and their interaction - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
7. Simbiont - an application designed to create and work with procedural shaders DarkTrees - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
8. Skinprops MorphMill v2p1 - A set of plugins for creating and editing mesh Morph - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
9. Skinprops RiptidePro v2p1 - to expand imports and exports files Wavefront. Obj - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
10. Skinprops Undertow v2p1 - Collection of 22 commands for UV-unwrapping in BodyPaint - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
11. SmartTexPath1_0 - Replaces all the textures on the road with just one click - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12D 12
12. - P o in t o p -
13. - P o in t o p -
14. TCAStudios SteadyBAKEv1 0 - Set of 5 plug-ins greatly speeds up the animation - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
15. TCAStudios SteadyCamPRO v3 1 - In order to improve and speed up the camera, adds precision, flexibility and editing animation camera very quickly - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
16. TheThirdParty DeGamma 036 - For an automated color management and shaders - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
17. TheThirdParty StormTracer 13,805 - Allows you to create and manage hundreds of thousands of particles with extremely high quality, many times faster than before - WINONLY 32 and 64 for C4D 12
18. - P o in t o p -
19. - P o in t o p -
20. - P o in t o p -
21. - P o in t o p -
22. Vreel3D TranslucentPro 1 6 - Transparent shaders for the best results when used in channels brightness, color, and diffusion - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
23. Xplode1 1 - Breaking objects into parts of different parameters - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
24. xsHNSwitcher - Disable / enable all HyperNurbs scene objects - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
25. xsTab - Show / hide all tabs - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
26. xsTargetCamera - Create camera target in the same position as the current camera - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
27. xsTextureSwitch - Disable / enable all textures scenes - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
28. xsTextureTags - To remove all texture and material non-existent tag - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12
29. xsThickness - to create a dynamic object thickness - WIN / MAC 32 and 64 for C4D 12