《Photoshop数字艺术插画制作教程》Lynda.com Bert Monroy Dreamscapes

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《Photoshop数字艺术插画制作教程》Lynda.com Bert Monroy Dreamscapes-图片1

本PS教程是由Lynda机构出品的Photoshop数字艺术插画制作教程,时长:4小时38分,大小:1.31 GB,MOV高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Photoshop,作者:Bert Monroy,官方发布日期:2012年9月18日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。



Lynda.com Bert Monroy Dreamscapes
Discover how to use Adobe Photoshop, without any added fine art skills, to modify artwork and turn the ordinary into extraordinary. Author and illustrator Bert Monroy takes an unexciting photo and transforms it into an amazing dream sequence by combining it with other photos and techniques. His process touches on compositing, digital painting, masking, and other key image editing techniques. All you need is Photoshop, some images that could use a boost, and your imagination!

Topics include:
Creating alpha channels
Isolating content with clipping groups and layer masks
Turning a day sky into a night sky
Compositing photos
Creating tableaus
Blending color and tone in combined images
Painting in explosions

《Photoshop数字艺术插画制作教程》Lynda.com Bert Monroy Dreamscapes-图片2《Photoshop数字艺术插画制作教程》Lynda.com Bert Monroy Dreamscapes-图片2




