《Swift 3D矢量3D创作工具软件V6版》Electric Rain Swift 3D 6.0.933 Win/Mac

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《Swift 3D矢量3D创作工具软件V6版》Electric Rain Swift 3D 6.0.933 Win/Mac

Swift 3D是一款由Electric Rain公司开发出品的基于矢量的3D创作工具,能够构建模型渲染SWF文件,充分弥补了FLASH在三维动画效果制作上的不足。

使用Swift 3D,设计师们能迅速地从字体、基本3D元素和已有SWF格式3D模型创建3D图像。可以导出FLV、AVI和Quicktime视频格式,提供新的矢量渲染选项。它是动画设计者们的最好的三维工具。

Swift 3D简单易用,熟悉Flash和3D MAX的朋友能够很快上手。它以娇小的身躯强大的功能位居Flash第三方软件第一位!拥有Swift 3D,从此放飞你的创意,让你的大脑做360度的旋转!

Electric Rain Swift 3D 6.0.933 Win/Mac
The ultimate 3D software for graphic and rich media designers using Adobe Flash® and Microsoft Expression Blend®. Swift 3D is the only 3D software to directly integrate with Flash through the Swift 3D File Importer and SmartLayer Technology and exports to Microsoft XAML. Swift 3D’s toolset and interface allow anyone to quickly create 3D content, while providing a full set of advanced tools to grow into. Swift 3D is a powerful, easy-to-use 3D solution that delivers high-quality results for an unbeatable price.

New Upgrade Features in v6 :
Boolean Operations Support
5X Faster Raster Rendering Speed
New Texture Mapper
Multiprocessor Support (5X Faster)
Papervision3D v2 Support
Background Image Tracing
Extrusion & Lathe Editor Multi-Path Support – Draw multiple unique paths
Clone & Arrays Support
Bump Map Texture Support
Soft Shadow Support
Enhanced Camera Controls
Expanded User Preferences



