BETA CAE Systems ANSA (32bit) 13.2.3 | 1.2 Gb
ANSA 13.0对用户界面进行了全面革新,焕然一新的界面更加友好,最先进图形他界面元素使得操作更加方便快捷。功能上,ANSA 13.0除了对已有的功能进行增强和改进,还新增了自动抽中面、体网格生成和质量自动修正、对几何直接进行变形等功能;增加了专门的CFD DECK面板,支持FLUENT\STAR-CD\CFD++\OPENFOAM等边界条件的直接定义,对结构(ABAQUS/ANSYS /NASTRAN)和碰撞(DYNA/PAMCRASH/RADIOSS)等分析求解器的支持也更加全面和完善。pvdCAEworks 主要的新功能和功能增强列表如下:pvdCAEworks
- 可完全定制的菜单系统
- 新增快捷键功能
- 拖放式窗口
- 工具栏按钮
- 用户自定义菜单
- 新的区域选择方式
- 更强大的显示操作功能
- 可扩展滚动式窗口
- 高性能的图形显示
- 最先进的显示特性
- 自动隐藏和细节绘图
- 通过一个常开浏览器(在执行其它功能可以保持激活状态)对模型进行高级控制
- 增强的过滤和选择操作功能
- 快速打开列表项目数据卡片
- 直接修改列表项目属性
- 所有列表支持右键菜单
- 更加多样的测量方式
- 测量项目可保存
- 测量结果显示可保持
- 自动更新已保存测量项目
- 可以输入/输出文件中层次信息和转换矩阵
- 可以读取拓扑信息
数据管理 (ANSA DM)pvdCAEworks
- 包含文件(include)追踪和更新
- DM对比工具
- 改进了“Save/Change Representation”的选择和”Save Representation”的保存流程
- 新增了“检查DM更新”的选项
- 版本比较的出报告工具
- 假人模型处理:假人定位和约束
- 改进了接触创建功能
- 新增了模型切割框
- 新增了TOSCA Structure任务
- 从实体零件几何直接创建中面
- 基于有限元网格创建几何曲面
- 更加强大的空间位置转换功能
- 在曲线和点的创建中新增多种选项
- 新的几何孤立功能
- 可批处理有限元网格
- 可以按属性PID选择
- 可以基于框体(BOX)控制局部网格大小
- 可以创建体网格边界层划分场景(scenario)
- 改进了结果统计报告
- 局部网格细化功能
- 加强筋/压痕等突起的展平和抑制
- 网格上开孔、曲线投影等功能有了新的界面、功能和选项
- 局部macro区域边界和网格处理
- 新增了一些网格划分功能选项
- 通过新的实体类型(SIZEBOX),可以控制局部网格大小
- 体网格质量修正功能
- 改进了体(Volume)的自动探测功能
- 新增Delaunay体网格划分算法
- 可通过多条导向线生成六面体网格
- 新增了针对体(Volume)的冻结/去冻结/重划分功能
- 可定制质量超标的显示颜色
- 新的质量标准定义
- 改进的质量报告,包含权重系数和惩罚系数
- 用户定义质量标准等级
- 新增网格质量图显示模式
- 改进了几何和有限元网格的差别检查功能
- 有限网格之间的差别检查
- 差别检查中可改变图形显示模式
- 增加缝焊实现的操作选项
- 按照FMFAT要求创建联接
- 包边联接的折叠表示
- 新的包裹算法:按局部曲率变化自动网格细化
- 局部单元大小控制
- 可通过ANSA数据管理实现替换以及版本更新
- 集成在数据库浏览器中
- 增强的树状列表,可显示项目详细内容信息
- 拖放式内容修改选项
- 新增的排除选项
- 扩展功能支持与几何相关的关键字
- 多体运动学工具,用于复杂定位
- 最先进的假人模型、座椅、可折叠车顶和悬架等的特殊处理功能
- 改进了假人模型部件之间的接合功能
CFD工具 pvdCAEworks
- 支持更多的求解器格式(OpenFOAM, CFD++, SC/TETRA )
- 完整的边界条件定义功能
- 尺寸框(Size Box)可控制面网格和体网格节点的分布和单元大小
- 在批处理网格划分工具中集成边界层体网格生成
- 支持几何变形
- 保存变形操作历史
- 新增参数类型
- 增强了边框拟合操作的功能
- 用户自定义切线方向
- 针对优化任务添加了新的仿真工具,包括动画录制功能
- 可与LS-OPT直接耦合,与其它优化软件的耦合也更加简单
TOSCA structurepvdCAEworks
- 通过任务管理器完全支持TOSCA Structure(集成在ANSA标准包,无需额外许可)
- ansa -gui TOSCA : 启动专门的图形界面程序,包含许多针对TOSCA Structure的功能(需要额外须许可)
- 改进了ANSA_TRANSL中的CAD数据转换功能
- 创建用户自定义按钮更加简便
- 类似C语言的外部文件管理
- 脚本编辑器主版本升级、新增许多功能选项
- 支持Mac OS X 10.4
- 不再支持SGI IRIX
ANSA is an advanced multidisciplinary CAE pre-processing tool that provides all the necessary functionality for full-model build up, from CAD data to ready-to-run solver input file, in a single integrated environment.
ANSA is the users' preference due to its wide range of features and tools that meet their needs. The list of productive and versatile features is long and the alternative tasks and processes to be completed using them are countless.
BETA CAE Systems S.A. announces the release of ANSA 13.2.3 with new features and known problems resolved
CAD data Translators: significant performance improvement.
Connection Manager: enhanced searching options and capabilities for the automatic identification and assignment of connectivity info for Bolt connections.
Higher accuracy of automatic nodal distribution for CFD mesh.
Volume mesh layers can grow from very sharp trailing edges.
CGNS Input supports latest libraries.
Results Mapper: New options for Laminate mapping.
Safety: New Seat Impact Testing Tool to set up seat impact test load cases. Automatically calculates and creates the test zones per the ECER17, ECER21, FMVSS201 and FMVSS202A regulations and locates the testing device to the Target Points.
NVH Console: Save / Load of Connectors, Loads and Assemblies.
New Check to detect quad elements with two free opposite edges.
Enhancements in LS-DYNA Checks for DB CROSS SECTIONS and DB HISTORIES.
OpenFOAM Pressures now accept negative values.
Fluent Output: the volumes are now written-out as different properties with a relevant name.
SC/TETRA Input: the entities of Closed Volumes are matched to Volumes and the Volumetric Regions to SETs.
MORPH: node based sensitivities can be plotted.
and more...
Known issues resolved
Polygon selection method applied directly the active function (e.g. Delete), without confirmation.
Save Visible As did not always save the visible entities.
Lists: When fields were multiplied by a number (e.g. $*0.9) the result was a number with too many digits.
Improper conversion of “RBE3-HEXA-RBE3” and “Abaqus Fasteners” into Connection points.
Connections Manager: using Focus functions (e.g. OR, NOT, etc.) during the preview mode of the “Mesh Reconstruction” could lead to unexpected termination.
Mesh dependent connection representations (e.g. RBE2, SPIDER2, etc.) on linked faces were not properly created.
“Bolt on Solid” connection representation was not using the mid-nodes.
“FEMFAT Spot” connection representation: the named materials MAT151 and MAT152 were not being created for center and zones respectively.
“RBE3” connections representation of Spot weld Line could cause NASTRAN dependency errors.
Batch Mesh Parameters: The option for 2nd order elements was not being saved in the .ansa_mpar file.
FACEs created by the OFFSET[Link] for absolute values of distance, were being moved to wrong direction .
MESH GEN STL generated improper mesh on cylindrical or highly curved Faces.
ELEMENTs SPLIT, when applied using nodes selection, was not locally remeshing the attached volume.
Volume LAYERS: the last layer occasionally was not connected to the macro areas.
Volume TRANSLATE: when modifying the "Distance" through the List, the Vector was changed instead.
Volume CNV2POLY might create "left-handed", concave elements.
VRML Output was not exporting the line elements.
Merging of ansa files was not respecting the attribute "Freeze ID=Yes" of Nodes and Elements, which were erroneously renumbered.
LAMINATE: the Layers with 2nd order elements were not read-in..
Results Mapper might be calculating wrong pressures when operating on results imported from a *.csv file.
D.INFO was reporting incorrect results for NASTRAN Aspect Ratio criterion.
KINEMATICS: “Primitive Inplane” Joints were being converted to "Planar" during output.
NASTRAN: the ID-offset was leading to 10-digits PIDs and MIDs during merging many files.
Abaqus Input: *FLUID BEHAVIOR fields of DEPENDENCY and POLYNOMIAL were not been read in correctly.
Abaqus Input: the MATERIAL SOFTENING option was being switched from TABULAR to EXPONENTIAL.
Creation of Abaqus GASKET elements, based on 2nd order shell elements, might be leading to unexpected termination.
LS-Dyna Input: the fields IDOF2 and TWGHTX2 of the imported CONTRAINED_INTERPOLATION were not being updated.
LS-Dyna Input: KRBODY entities were massing from LSTC dummy if the properties were offset.
RADIOSS Input: the renumbering of the /SH3N and /SHELL that had the same IDs, was not being updated in the GROUP accordingly.
STAR-CD Output: Polyhedral elements might not be exported correctly.
MORPH PARAMS: the Box-in-Box morphing parameter was not applied if the recorded history state was not selected explicitly for APPLY.
MORPH PNT2CURV was not operating properly when local coordinate systems were used.
DIRECT MORPHING OFFSET was not moving the mid-nodes.
About BETA CAE Systems S.A
BETA CAE Systems S.A., headquartered in Thessaloniki, Greece, is a private engineering software company specialized in the development of state of the art CAE pre- and post-processing software systems.
The company, focusing on meeting and exceeding customers' requirements, is committed to its mission to be the leading force in industrial CAE software solutions.
The company's flagship product, ANSA pre-processor and µETA post- processor package, currently holds a leading position in the CAE software market worldwide. For years now this product sets the standards in many sectors, including automotive, railway, aerospace, motorsports, chemical and academic.
The corporate success is measured by the customer satisfaction through meeting their requirements and sharing the same vision of an industrial environment where CAE dominates and virtual product development is a low cost and effortless task.