《SpeedGrade调色系统综合教程》FXPHD Fastforward SpeedGrade CS6 Fundamentals

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《SpeedGrade调色系统综合教程》FXPHD Fastforward SpeedGrade CS6 Fundamentals


本视频教程是由FXPHD机构出品的SpeedGrade调色系统综合教程,时长:3小时30分,大小:2.80 GB,MP4高清格式,教程使用软件:SpeedGrade CS6,作者:Warren Eagles,官方发布日期:2012年8月15日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

Adobe宣布购买“若干资产”从一家德国公司IRIDAS,包括他们的Speed​​Grade软件色彩校正系统,据说优势在于使用GPU加速(GPU处理比CPU快)。因此在CS6中,只能说是勉强兼容Adobe(我指的是基本兼容,不是指兼容性差),还是一个相对独立的软件。Speed​​Grade不能和 Blackmagic Design的DaVinci以及Autodesk Lustre相比,但相媲美。




当你看了AE的SA Color Finesse 3 的色彩模型,你就完全觉得这个东西就是个摆设。什么?给我我也看不懂?那么为了每次调色能更加完美,我还要跳出插件再拖动那个卡死的AE来看整个镜头的效果。我必然放弃了Color Finesse。当然,AE目前已经集成了这个插件,不排除让我们期待以后它也会集成到Speedgrade中。

FXPHD Fastforward SpeedGrade CS6 Fundamentals
SpeedGrade CS6 Fundamentals will quickly get you up to speed on how to more effectively use the new grading software from Adobe. Taught by Joost van der Hoeven, this all-new course contains over three and a half hours of training covering the fundamentals you need to know to get most out of this new release. It also contains almost 1GB of source material used in the classes so you can follow along with the instruction.

This course is intended for users who are new to SpeedGrade or even a dedicated color grading program in general. While it is targeted towards editors and effects artists using the Production Premium bundle, the course will help get anyone quickly up to speed.

It begins by covering of setting up the software correctly, including key preferences. It then goes renrencg.cn through the workflow of a practical project, sending a Canon DSLR edit from Premiere Pro, working the color grade in SpeedGrade and then getting the project back into the editing app.

In addition to that, the course touches on the following and more:

alternative workflow techniques and working with EDLs
grading using both the primary and secondary grading tools
masks and how they open up a lot of possibilities in color grading
how SpeedGrade handles looks and LUTs
basic Stereoscopic 3D workflow





