《全面数字产品开发解决方案NX》 Siemens PLM NX Update

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《全面数字产品开发解决方案NX》 Siemens PLM NX Update-图片1
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      来自SiemensPLM 的 NX使企业能够通过新一代数字化产品开发系统实现向产品全生命周期管理转型的目标。 NX 包含了企业中应用最广泛的集成应用套件,用于产品设计、工程和制造全范围的开发过程。 
  如今制造业所面临的挑战是,通过产品开发的技术创新,在持续的成本缩减以及收入和利润的逐渐增加的要求之间取得平衡。为了真正地支持革新,必须评审更多的可选设计方案,而且 在开发过程中必须根据以往经验中所获得的知识更早地做出关键性的决策。 NX 是 UGS PLM 新一代数字化产品开发系统,它可以通过过程变更来驱动产品革新。 NX 独特之处是其知识管理基础,它使得工程专业人员能够推动革新以创造出更大的利润。 NX 可以管理生产和系统性能知识,根据已知准则来确认每一设计决策。 NX 建立在为客户提供无与伦比的解决方案的成功经验基础之上,这些解决方案可以全面地改善设计过程的效率,削减成本,并缩短进入市场的时间。通过再一次将注意力集中于跨越整个产品生命周期的技术创新, NX 的成功已经得到了充分的证实。这些目标使得 NX 通过无可匹敌的全范围产品检验应用和过程自动化工具,把产品制造早期的从概念到生产的过程都集成到一个实现数字化管理和协同的框架中。 UG NX的竞争对手 主要竞争对手有Catia,Edgecam,Mastercam,Cimtron,Delcam(Powermill),PTC(Pro/NC),HyperMILL等。

Siemens PLM Software has a clear and consistent strategy: to provide Digital Product Development solutions that help you transform your whole product development process. This release delivers enhancements and significant new functionality to all areas of the product which enable you to increase your levels of productivity in development while working within a collaborative managed environment.
Faceblend fails during feature playback in NX 4 (works fine in NX MP6)
CAD: Component blank status doesn't behave as expected
Select hidden components to show is failing in this view
CAM: PLANAR_PROFILE operation with contact countur generates to many steps
NX question on Maximum Distance Error
Problem with mirrored lines in sketch used in contour flange
Part Family member doesn't update in nested arrays
Objects of a component are shown even when component is blanked
Interval for Save Changes Reminder option works in an unexpected way
Transfer from pro-E to NX 4.0
CAM:-NX 6 CAM NC-Assistent; must orient to ABS CSYS
TRA:- DXF files do not import on SUSE, while do on XP
CAM: PR - Sync gives internal Error after using Synchronization Manager
CAD: Loading Component Groups with zones does not work as expected
CAD : Section Inertia reports: "Not all sections could be analyzed"
Expression not usable after converting mating to assembly constraints
TRA: File -> Export -> PDF Empty field for resulting file
Using structureOption=MONOLITHIC and -pim=yes create jt datasets for parts
Information window is word wrapping after 132 characters
Product outline changes color if you change geometry in childpart
Angular constrains controlled by negative expressions are not working as expected
Warn on Family Import_Export preference is ON and grayed out for the first att
Visual Basic Run-time error when creating part family member
MP: Expression not usable after converting mating to assembly constraints
Changing Group_Role setting in NX may result in Error message
Angle assembly constraint doesn't solve negative value correctly
NX Sheet Metal flange option Length Reference shows wrong handles
Cannot update part family members after creating new revision
CAD: Angle expression not usable after converting mating to assembly constraints

Internal error using File-> New when assembly is open
Cannot find bitmap error when loading UTD menu definition
One Step Formability material not in sync with library
NX - Elec - Spline Path Editing insert point is not correct
Mesh2dBuilder > SelectionList returns an empty list
Need API to determine whether or not a feature is browseable
Assembly create new component does not remember the tab used in NX
Drill ops with geometry in the operations will not work after deleting the geometry
NX CAM SME - can not create new Operation after restart of NX
Internal error when retrieving a pattern

You can find a full list of fixed problem reports for this release in the following locations:
In the fixed_prs.html file in the ../docs/fixed_prs directory on your NX software DVD.

About Siemens PLM Software

Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services with 6.7 million licensed seats and more than 69,500 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products.

《全面数字产品开发解决方案NX》 Siemens PLM NX Update-图片2



