《地理信息系统软件》ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1

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《地理信息系统软件》ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1-图片1

ESRI ArcGIS for Desktop 10.1 | 4.3 Gb

ArcGIS Desktop是美国环境系统研究所(ESRI,Environmental Systems Research Institute)开发的地理信息系统软件,在当前众多的GIS软件中,其功能最强、市场占有率最高,影响最大,对GIS技术的发展都有一定的影响。ESRI公司从1982年推出ARC/INFO软件后,在技术上不断地改进完善,软件不断升级,2000年推出的ArcInfo 8是ESRI在继承已有成熟技术的同时,全面引入最新的软件程序设计思想、数据库及网络技术而开发的新一代GIS软件。2004年,推出的ARCGIS 9保留了原Arc/info的所有功能。将基于现有版本在空间处理、3D可视化以及开发工具方面进行拓展。包括图解建模方式在内的五种空间处理方式;可进行全球三维可视化的ArcGlobe;增强的注记管理和扩展模块Maplex;标准的开放的空间数据库格式的发布;增强的栅格空间数据库能力等。同时将推出的,还有ArcGIS家族的两个最新的基于ArcObjects的产品:面向开发的嵌入式ArcGIS Engine和面向企业用户的以“集中式管理、网络为核心、基于服务器”为特点的ArcGIS Server,它们将支持包括UNIX和Linux在内的跨平台的解决方案。

ArcGIS is a complete system for designing and managing solutions through the application of geographic knowledge.

ArcGIS for Desktop software enables you to discover patterns, relationships, and trends in your data that are not readily apparent in databases, spreadsheets, or statistical packages.

Beyond displaying your data as points on a map, ArcGIS Desktop gives you the power to manage and integrate your data, perform advanced analysis, model and automate operational processes, and display your results on professional-quality maps.

GIS professionals will find this release of ArcGIS for Desktop to be the most empowering GIS authoring environment to date. With ArcGIS for Desktop, users can now deliver any GIS resource, including maps, imagery, geodata, and tools, as a web service on both ArcGIS for Server and ArcGIS Online. Desktop users can also easily package their maps and layers and make that content available to staff, stakeholders, partners, or the public via online groups while maintaining complete control and ownership of their content.

About Ersi

When Esri was founded in 1969, we realized even then that geographic information system (GIS) technology could make a difference in society. Working with others who shared this passion, we were encouraged by the vast possibilities of GIS.

Today, our confidence in GIS is built on the belief that geography matters—it connects our many cultures and societies and influences our way of life. GIS leverages geographic insight to ensure better communication and collaboration.

As you explore our Web site, you'll discover how our customers have obtained the geographic advantage by using Esri software to address social, economic, business, and environmental concerns at local, regional, national, and global scales. We hope you will be inspired to join the Esri community in using GIS to create a better world

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