《Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程》cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation

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《Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程》cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation-图片1

Softimage教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程,时长:4小时49分,大小:1.29 GB,MP4高清视频格式,教程使用软件:Softimage,作者:Christopher Tedin,官方发布日期:2012年8月13日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。


SOFTIMAGE XSI是AUTO DESK(AVID公司已经被AUTO DESK公司收购!)面向高端三维影视市场的旗舰产品,以其独一无二真正的非线性动画编辑为众多从事三维电脑艺术人员所喜爱。XSI将电脑的三维动画虚拟能力推向了极致。是最佳的动画工具,除了新的非线性动画功能之外,比之前更容易设定Keyframe的传统动画。是制作电影,广告,3D,建筑表现等方面的强力工具。 

《Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程》cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation-图片2

cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation
cmiVFX releases another great video hit with the launch of its Softimage ICE and ZBrush retopology workflow instructional solution. In digital animation, physical human animation can take you pretty far, but you won’t achieve the final emotional “punch” without turning to the face for expression and emotion. So much is tied up in the face, and through its multiple levels of control through dozens of muscles and underlying bones, it is important to be able to make a solid structural head that is easy to animate. Using bbs.renrencg.cn proven techniques of edge loops and solid understanding of human anatomy, we will take you through some of the more fundamental principles behind creating an effective head model and animation rig.

In this video, we will be using Zbrush to retopologize a pre-existing sculpted head model. Feel free to use your own, however. These are basic principles you should be able to apply to your own humans, creatures and even animals. These retopologizing techniques can also be used in many different programs, like 3d Coat, Topogun, and even within Autodesk Softimage, Maya or 3ds Max, with the right plugins. Once we have established the basic head form, with correct edge flow, we will use the tools in Softimage to set up an effective rig. We will use bone systems, constraints, shape animation (similar to blend shapes in Maya or morphs in 3ds Max.) Then, we will leverage the powerful ICE system to build a flexible, extensible high-level control system that will blend and interpolate many of the shapes and bone movements with a few sets of controls.

《Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程》cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation-图片3《Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程》cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation-图片3《Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程》cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation-图片3《Softimage面部重新拓扑与骨骼绑定教程》cmiVFX Softimage Facial Retopo And Rigging For Animation-图片3



