《德国MAGIX专业虚拟音乐工作室》MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2013

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《德国MAGIX专业虚拟音乐工作室》MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2013-图片1

MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2013 | 176.0 mb

MAGiX Samplitude® Music Studio是一款专门为音乐家、专业和半专业电影和视频制作人而设计的音频软件。 该款Samplitude® Music Studio软件包含有虚拟音乐工作室常用的各种功能,比如专门用来进行音高自动化识别和单声道音频纠正的“Elastic Audio Easy”功能、帮助用户对轨道和文件进行总览(该功能对大型项目非常重要)的“"File Manager(文件管理器)”和“Browser(浏览器)”以及包含有合声、镶边、调制滤波器(Mod filter)、模拟延迟和创新性retro效果的“Vintage Effects Suite(经典效果器套装)”等。此外,该款软件还包含有带有全新LiViD功能、一触按钮即可生成的整体鼓声轨道。

为帮助用户解决使用过程中出现的常见问题,该软件还专门设置了配有视频图像、解释说明、自动链接等内容的“Task Assistant(任务助手)”板块。最后,经MAGIX Samplitude® Music Studio处理完成的音频文件,还可以直接制成CD母带,供用户自动刻录CD光盘使用。

在用途上,除了音乐家,该款Samplitude® Music Studio还适用于专业和半专业的电影和视频制作人进行配音使用,因为它包含有原带配音(sound overdubbing)等多项先进功能。

MAGIX Music Studio, yet easy-to-implement home recording with optimized features, professional effects, and virtual instruments. Benefit from advanced technology and years of experience in music editing, based on the digital audio workstation.

Bands and musicians can sometimes find it difficult to create music without spending a large amount of money on professional equipment or hiring time in a studio, but all this could change thanks to MAGIC Samplitude Music Studio. The program includes a multitrack recorder which can be used to record numerous instruments and vocal tracks before working with each of them individually or as a whole.

The mixing console provides access to a range of professional quality special effects which can be used to dramatically enhance anything that has been recorded - there are even virtual instruments on hand if you don't have the real thing. The selection of effects can be applied to individual channels as required and the results can be saved as high quality MP3 in just a few clicks.


We have been developing, producing and distributing multimedia software since 1993. Our product range includes seamlessly integrated online mobile and cloud services as well as digital content. We pride ourselves on being able to offer perfect solutions for the creation, design, presentation and archiving of digital photos, graphics, websites, video and music.

《德国MAGIX专业虚拟音乐工作室》MAGIX Samplitude Music Studio 2013-图片2



