《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX

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《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片1

NUKEX教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的NUKEX粒子效果高级教程,时长:2小时32分,大小:1.1 GB,FLV高清视频格式 ,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:NUKEX 6.3v6,作者:Chris Glick,官方发布日期:2012年6月1日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

NUKE是一个获得学院奖的数码合成软件。NUKE具有先进的将最终视觉效果与电影电视的其余部分无缝结合的能力,无论所需应用的视觉效果是什么风格或者有多复杂。Nuke合成软件参与制作的著名影视有:机械公敌、极限特工、泰坦尼克号、终结者2、阿波罗13、真实的谎言、战警 等...

《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片2

Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX
In this NUKE tutorial we will learn how to use the particle system in NUKEX. Having particles directly inside our compositing package gives us an incredible new tool set for creating effects and integrating elements like never before. We will start by looking at the particle presets and how we need to work in NUKE when using particle nodes. From there we’ll begin with the particle emitter node, which is responsible for creating initial particles. After that we will learn how to control our particles with basic 3D geometry in the particle bounce node. For most of our particle movement we’ll use nodes that mimic natural forces like wind, gravity, turbulence, vortexes and drag. After we have our particles moving nicely, we can change their properties over their bbs.renrencg.cn lifespan using the particle curve node. To gain a higher level of control, we will use conditions, regions, and particle channels to limit the effects of our various particle nodes. Finally we’ll learn how to create particles from other particles and use expressions to control our particles at the base level.

《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片3《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片3《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片3《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片3《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片3《NUKEX粒子效果高级教程》Digital-Tutors Particles in NUKEX-图片3




