《Nuke合成技术高级教程》cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques

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《Nuke合成技术高级教程》cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques-图片1

Nuke教程是由cmiVFX机构出品的Nuke合成技术高级教程,时长:2小时50分,大小:1.14 GB,WEBM高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:Nuke,作者:Eric Whitehead,jonathan mcfall,官方发布日期:2012年8月14日,语言:英语。人人CG整理发布。

NUKE是一个获得学院奖(Academy Award)的数码合成软件。已经经过10年的历练,为艺术家们提供了创造具有高质素的相片效果的图像的方法。NUKE无需专门的硬件平台,但却能为艺术家提供组合和操作扫描的照片,视频板以及计算机生成的图像的灵活、有效、节约和全功能的工具。在数码领域,NUKE已被用于近百部影片和数以百计的商业和音乐电视,NUKE具有先进的将最终视觉效果与电影电视的其余部分无缝结合的能力,无论所需应用的视觉效果是什么风格或者有多复杂。

cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques
cmiVFX has released the brand new Nuke General Compositing Techniques by Jonathan McFall. Compositors are expected to take plates from a variety of sources, in many unconventional conditions, and marry them all together into a seamless cinematic scene. Modern film production often sources scene elements from many studios simultaneously. Compositors must be ready to handle whatever is presented and achieve a result that feels REAL. Here in this lesson Jonathan takes this challenge head on. Using elements bbs.renrencg.cn from dozens of sources, in all manner of states, Jonathan teaches tried and true techniques to assemble and integrate them all into a single panoramic scene. With an application as powerful as The Foundry’s Nuke it is easy to get lost. Jonathan McFall guides you through this lesson on paths that he knows works in a production environment. With so many ways to choose, allow him to show you what has worked. This lecture is a fast paced riot of non-stop knowledge. It’s just going to make you better in Nuke.

《Nuke合成技术高级教程》cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques-图片2《Nuke合成技术高级教程》cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques-图片2《Nuke合成技术高级教程》cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques-图片2《Nuke合成技术高级教程》cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques-图片2《Nuke合成技术高级教程》cmiVFX Nuke General Compositing Techniques-图片2



