《CG人物造型设计软件》Poser Pro 2012 SR3升级包

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《CG人物造型设计软件》Poser Pro 2012 SR3升级包-图片1 

Poser Pro 2012 SR3 Update | 280.2 mb

Smith Micro Poser -----人体三维动画制作软件,俗称“人物造型大师”。它提供了丰富多彩的人体三维模型,使用这些模型可轻松快捷地设计人体造型和动作,免去了人体建模的繁琐工作。

Smith Micro Poser 适合於多数 2D 与 3D 二者领域的制作环境, 提供综合专业等级应用的特点和功能, 64 位元算图引擎,和网路算图支持。 Poser Pro 的基本要求 ─ 减少设计和制作时间以及使用成千上万的设置和贴图素材的 3D 模型。

Smith Micro Poser 带来具有影响力的3D角色设计,并且创造了角色细致与生动的无限可能。提供制作角色所需的美工技术丶插图说明丶虚拟影像丶动画绘制丶漫画丶网站制作丶版画印刷丶教育知识丶医学显像丶美容整形丶游戏丶故事架构…等素材。

– 次表面散射
– 简单、直观的用户界面
– 渲染性能得到改善
– 70个现成图形
– 支持顶点权重贴图配置
– 超过3GB的Poser内容
– 64位应用程序和FireFly渲染引擎*
– 创作3D动画和插图
– 顶点权重贴图编辑工具套件*

– 更新的PoserFusion插件和对COLLADA的支持*

《CG人物造型设计软件》Poser Pro 2012 SR3升级包-图片2 

Service Release 3.0 (SR3) is highly recommended and will improve Poser Pro 2012 in many areas. SR3 include all cumulative updates and enhancements from the previous Service Releases.

For a full list of updates please refer to the SR3 Readme Package includes: Service Release SR3 updater for Poser Pro 2012 and the Poser Pro 2012 Queue Manager. Updates the following versions of Poser Pro 2012 -shipping English version or versions with SR1, SR2 or SR2.1 applied.

About Smith Micro Software, Inc.

Smith Micro Software, Inc. provides software and services that simplify, secure, and enhance the mobile experience. The Company's portfolio of wireless solutions includes a wide range of client and server applications that manage voice, data, video, and connectivity over mobile broadband networks. Our primary customers are the world's leading mobile network operators, mobile device manufacturers, and enterprise businesses. In addition to our wireless and mobility software, Smith Micro offers personal productivity and graphics products distributed through a variety of consumer channels worldwide.



